
on a diet造句

on a diet造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:32:08


on a diet造句

  • 1、Don't goon a diet.(不要节食。)
  • 2、He has beenon a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember.(从他的朋友能记得时开始,他就一直在节食。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、I'mon a diet.(我正在节食中。)
  • 4、I'm foreveron a diet, since I put on weight easily.(我一直在节食,因为我的体重很容易增加。)
  • 5、I can't eat too much, I'mon a diet.(我不能多吃,我在减肥。)
  • 6、He has beenon a diet for 12 weeks.(他已经持续节食十二周了。)
  • 7、No. I'mon a diet.(不要了,我在减肥。)
  • 8、We existedon a diet of rice.(我们靠吃大米过活。)
  • 9、I'm supposed to goon a diet.(我应该节食。)
  • 10、People who areon a diet mustn't have chocolate.(正在节食的人不能吃巧克力。)
  • 11、I'mon a diet recently.(我最近在节食。)
  • 12、B Me too. I just want one dish. I'mon a diet.(B我也是。我只想点一个菜。我正在减肥。)
  • 13、Molly: Don't tell anyone, but I amon a diet.(莫莉:别告诉别人,我正在减肥。)
  • 14、I’m supposed to goon a diet / get a raise.(我应该节食/涨工资。)
  • 15、Think about that—unless you’reon a diet.(考虑一下吧——除非你正在节食。)
  • 16、Goon a diet, save money, don't spend.(节食、攒钱、不花钱。)
  • 17、When I goon a diet, I eat only fruit, and that takes off weight quickly.(当我节食的时候,我只吃水果,这样可以快速减重。)
  • 18、She's alwayson a diet—she has issues about food.(她经常节食—她担心吃得太多。)
  • 19、Peter is gaining weight; he should goon a diet.(彼得变胖了,他应该节食。)
  • 20、He was weanedon a diet of rigid discipline and duty.(他自幼受到严格纪律和职责的约束。)
  • 21、Parents should be aware of the fact that children, who are raisedon a diet of soap operas and online games, seldom, if ever participate in a variety of activities.(父母应该意识到这样一个事实:孩子们如果从小就看肥皂剧,玩网络游戏,很少会参加各种各样的活动。)
  • 22、He livedon a diet of junk food.(他把垃圾食品当饭吃。)
  • 23、He livedon a diet of water and canned fish.(他靠水和罐头鱼为生。)
  • 24、Have you beenon a diet? You've lost a lot of weight.(你在节食吗?你瘦了很多。)

on a diet基本释义

on a diet

英 [ɔn ə ˈdaiət] 美 [ɑn e ˈdaɪɪt] 
节食; 吃规定的饮食