更新时间:2025-03-09 21:53:32
on that basis造句
- 1、on that basis the subsidy is $36 billion a year (compared with pay this year of perhaps $120 billion).(在这个基础上一年的补助金就是360亿美元(与今年支付大概1200亿美元相比)。)
- 2、on that basis, anything is possible.(在生意的基础上,一切皆有可能。)
- 3、By mixing together we learn to care for each other and we find that codifying rules of behavior make senseon that basis.(通过共同生活,我们互相学习,发现行为的归类准则,并把其作为感官的基础。)
- 4、This year, we will buildon that basis and continue to substantially raise the minimum purchase prices of grains.(比如,我们前几年农产品的价格提高了20%-40%,在这个基础上,今年我们继续大幅提升粮食最低收购价。)
- 5、on that basis they are all as old as one another.(依据这个的话他们彼此都同样古老。)
- 6、on that basis, there is no real way of determining which attributes or element contents will be unique (if any).(在这个基础上,没有一种真正的方法可以确定哪些属性或元素内容是唯一的(如果有的话)。)
- 7、The best performer doesn't always make the best manager although many companies still make the choiceon that basis.(可表现最好的人并不一定就是最好的管理者,但很多公司还是依此而做选择。)
- 8、She says the team will see the condition of the refugees and,on that basis, determine the immediate and longer-range assistance needed.(她说,小组将会根据那个基础来评估难民的情况,然后决定他们需要哪些紧急和长期的协助。)
- 9、The Nescafe maker now expects annual sales growth at its food and beverage businesson that basis of about 5 percent.(雀巢公司目前预计食品和饮料业务全年的销售额增长约为5%。)
- 10、on that basis he makes some forecasts(基于这点,米哈拉齐做出了如下预测)
- 11、on that basis, the paper puts forward the prerequisites, application scope and procedures of constructing supply chain relationship.(并在此基础上,提出了我国供应链关系的构建条件、适应范围与构建步骤。)
- 12、When Wardell was interviewed, he was impressive, andon that basis, he was hired.(当沃德尔接受面试时,他给人印象深刻,因此他被雇用了。)
- 13、We consider ourselves in this business for the long tern, and we are going to continue to runon that basis.(我们为公司做有长远的打算,并且将继续以此为基础运作下去。)
- 14、on that basis the GACVS considers that pharmacokinetic and developmental studies undertaken do not support concerns over the safety of thiomersal in vaccines.(基于此,全球疫苗安全咨询委员会认为,所开展的药动学与发育研究不能支持对疫苗中硫柳汞安全性的担忧。)
- 15、on that basis, the markets have been kindest to British exporters.(在那样的基础上,市场对于英国出口者来说非常不错。)
- 16、It will gather further supporton that basis, because people recognise that Mr MacAskill upheld the due process of Scots law in difficult circumstances.(在此基础上,它将获得进一步的支持,因为人们会认识到迈克·阿斯克尔在困境中坚持了苏格兰法律的法定诉讼程序。)
- 17、We'll continueon that basis.(我们将在那个基础上继续。)
- 18、on that basis, it reckoned public debt would peak at 84% of GDP before falling back.(在此基础上,它估计公债最高能达到GDP的84%然后滑落。)
- 19、It ison that basis that a number, any number whatsoever, can be defined, if it is real.(就是根据那个基础,一个数目,任何的数目,能够被定义,假如它是实数的话。) Hao86.com
- 20、All we can do is see how things behave, codify that behavior and do our scienceon that basis.(我们所能做的全部就是观察事物是如何运作的,将其行为编纂归类,并把它作为我们自然科学的基础。)
- 21、The Maples were designed to have a small negative PCR: this was billed as one of its safety features and the reactors were licensedon that basis.(枫叶反应堆以产生少量负值pcr为设计目的:这被认为是它的安全特质之一,而反应堆也是据此而获准经营。)
- 22、They hiredon that basis.(他们就是在这个基础上招聘人才的。)