
over and above造句

over and above造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 21:47:24


over and above造句

  • 1、The waiters get good tipsover and above their wages.(服务员除工资外还有不少小费。)
  • 2、over and above these specific issues, the challenges facing the MBA are as much about how it is taught as about what is taught.(除了以上的那些具体问题外,如何教授MBA课程所面临的挑战和教什么内容同样大。)
  • 3、To be successful, Geronimo needs to provide clear benefits to usersover and above the base specifications.(为了成功,Geronimo需要在基本规范之上,为用户提供明显的优势。)
  • 4、Unity consciousness places the greater good of the wholeover and above any single individual need.(统一觉知给予更大的整体性质的好处,远超过了任何个体之所需。)
  • 5、over and above the basic language support, the product includes specific support for various frameworks, including.(除了基本的语言支持之外,产品还包括对多种框架的支持,包括。)
  • 6、Our product isover and above the competitors', and we're able to sell it at the same price .(我们的产品超于竞争对手的产品之上,而且,我们也可以以同样的价格出售。)
  • 7、Achieving this will require performance and effortsover and above the norm.(要做到这一点,将需要超越平常的表现和努力。)
  • 8、Signs suggest that more countries may soon have to turn to the IMF for money,over and above loans that have already been approved.(有迹象表明更多的国家不久就会回头找IMF贷款,数额将超过目前已被批准的贷款。)
  • 9、over and above, we see the facts of lucky days under the signs of Aquarius.(除此之外,我们能够看到真实的水瓶座幸运日。)
  • 10、Surprisingly, this project will not be costing the BBC muchover and above the coverage costs for the editorial content.(令人惊奇的是,该项目花费的BBC经费将不会超过一般编辑稿件的平均经费。)
  • 11、So if say DB2 compresses data 5 times, will HANA compress it 10 timesover and above this?(所以如果DB2只能压缩数据到5倍,HANA能再把它压缩10倍吗?)
  • 12、over and above these trifling penalties, his name was erased and blotted out from the roll of attorneys.(除了这些微不足道的处罚,他的名字也从律师人名录中划掉并涂去了。)
  • 13、There was a return to ornamentation—and there was a frivolity—somethingover and above the brutal structural form of the old modernist designs.(有对装饰的回归——有轻浮——那是一些凌驾于老套的现代主义设计这种残忍的结构形式的东西。)
  • 14、Expenditure on education has gone up by seven point eight per centover and above inflation.(教育支出增长率比通货膨胀率高出7.8%。)
  • 15、For copyingover and above these provisions there should be administratively simple payment schemes.(应该有一个简单的付款机制处理超过有关规定上限的复制。)
  • 16、Gift-giving, some economists think, is a process that adds value to an itemover and above what it would otherwise be worth to the recipient.(一些经济学家认为:送礼是事实上是一个为物品增值的过程,除此之外,礼物对于接受者而言将会更有价值。)
  • 17、One of these designs has a pair of jet engines mounted aft, but positionedover and above the wing. This aircraft has no tail fins at all (see below).(其中一个设计方案有一对安装在尾部、在机翼上方的发动机,而根本没有尾翼(见下图)。)
  • 18、The spokesman said: "To get his captaincy you have to doover and above that and have extra training.(发言人表示:“如果要晋升上尉,除此之外还必须接受其他的训练。)
  • 19、And Moses took the redemption money of them that wereover and above them that were redeemed by the levites.(于是摩西从那被利未人所赎以外的人取了赎银。)
  • 20、There are other factorsover and above those we have discussed.(除了我们所讨论的之外,还有其他因素。)
  • 21、The fear of insignificance can only be overcome through strong individual and cultural identityover and above measurable achievement.(这种“渺小恐惧症”只能通过超脱于有限的个人成就的强烈的个人和文化认同感来克服。)
  • 22、To make it to this category, there are a few things a tool should haveover and above the features provided by the enhanced editors.(要让某一工具属于这一类,它应该具有一些超过增强编辑器所提供的特性的特性。)
  • 23、We've always been good at paying ourselves first, in terms of saving for retirement, but there were no savingsover and above what we should be doing.(我们总是善于第一时间为我们自己支付一笔,在退休储蓄方面,但是我们应该做的事情时却没有储蓄。)
  • 24、But then by the same reasoning, what is a treeover and above its atoms?(但是,再由同样的道理,一棵树到底是什么,超出多少原子的集合可以成为一棵树呢?)

over and above基本释义

over and above

英 [ˈəuvə ænd əˈbʌv] 美 [ˈovɚ ənd əˈbʌv] 
除 ... 之外; 超过