


更新时间:2025-03-02 20:47:11



  • 1、The nineteenth century passed relativelypeacefully for these countries, with progressive democratization taking place in all of them.(随着这些国家的逐步民主化,19世纪相对平静地过去了。)
  • 2、Except for traffic noise the night passedpeacefully.(除了交通噪音,那夜安宁地过去了。)
  • 3、The older three girls are still slumberingpeacefully.(稍大些的3个女孩仍在平静地睡着。)
  • 4、The demonstration passed offpeacefully.(示威游行始终和平地进行。)
  • 5、She was dreamingpeacefully.(她正宁静地做着梦。)
  • 6、Everyone on the island got alongpeacefully.(岛上的每个人都和平相处。)
  • 7、Both sides committed themselves to settle the disputepeacefully.(双方承诺和平解决争端。)
  • 8、Conscience granted a truce, and these curiously inconsistent pirates fellpeacefully to sleep.(良心同意了休战,这些奇怪的、前后矛盾的海盗们平静地睡着了。)
  • 9、A lion was sleepingpeacefully in the forest when a mouse ran across his paw.(当狮子正在森林里安静地睡觉的时候,一只老鼠从他爪子上跑过。)
  • 10、The baby was sleepingpeacefully.(婴儿睡得很安稳。)
  • 11、Catherine's dead body laypeacefully on the bed.(凯瑟琳的尸体安详地躺在床上。)
  • 12、English speakers now coexistpeacefully with their Spanish-speaking neighbours.(讲英语的人现在与他们讲西班牙语的邻居和睦相处。)
  • 13、As far as I am concerned, I hate the terrible dirt and noise in the city. If given the chance, I would prefer to livepeacefully in the country.(就我而言,我讨厌城市里的尘土和噪音。如果有机会,我宁愿在乡村过一种宁静的生活。)
  • 14、I smiled to himpeacefully.(我轻轻的笑了。)
  • 15、Her son was lyingpeacefully on his back.(她儿子正静静地仰面躺着。)
  • 16、He diedpeacefully on December 10 after a short illness.(他在一场短病后于12月10日安详地离开了人世。)
  • 17、The 23-year-old ewe, recognised by the Guinness Book of Records, diedpeacefully on her farm at Lake Bolac, 57 miles west of Melbourne, after a short illness.(这只曾荣登吉尼斯记录的23岁母羊,患病后不久在距墨尔本西面57英里的LakeBolac的农场里安然离世。)
  • 18、Will they leavepeacefully?(他们会和平地离开吗?)
  • 19、High above in the azure heaven the eagle floatedpeacefully.(雄鹰在高高的蓝天上安然地飞翔。)
  • 20、The 1,400 fans were on their best behaviour and filed outpeacefully at the end.(1400名支持者尽全力守着规矩,结束时排成队平静地离场。)
  • 21、They've been living and workingpeacefully with members of various ethnic groups.(他们一直与各种族群的成员们和平地生活和工作。)
  • 22、The animals settledpeacefully to their noontime meal.(这些动物安静下来,吃它们的午餐。)
  • 23、The siege has endedpeacefully.(围城已经和平地结束了。)
  • 24、Falling back into the fragrant hay, she soon sleptpeacefully and soundly still the bright morning came.(她又倒回芳香的干草中,很快就安然入睡,直到明媚的早晨到来。)
  • 25、The different cultures had coexistedpeacefully for many years.(不同文化曾和平共存了很多年。)
  • 26、Her cheeks were burning red and she laypeacefully on her round and chubby arms.(她的脸蛋红扑扑的,安稳地躺在肉肉的胳膊上。)
  • 27、He closed his eyes to put a stop to all distracting thoughts, sitting there quietly andpeacefully.(他闭了眼睛,息了杂念,平心静气地坐着。)



英 ['pi:sfəlɪ] 美 [ˈpisfʊlɪ] 
