
play a role in造句

play a role in造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:29:32


play a role in造句

  • 1、A structure next to the hippocampus called the amygdala is known toplay a role in stamping this indelible mark.(海马区旁边有一个被称为‘杏仁核’的结构体,已知在烙下不可磨灭印记中起到一定作用。)
  • 2、But websites can lose that immunity if theyplay a role in developing the content at issue.(但如果网站在开发这样的内容中起着重要的作用,则其不能豁免。)
  • 3、That suggests that the vitamin mayplay a role in brain development and the protection of neurons.(这表明维生素可能在大脑发育和保护神经元方面发挥着重要作用。)
  • 4、Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how unpaired electronsplay a role in the Stern-Gerlach experiment.(因为这些事物都是未成对的,我们已经发现在Stern-Gerlach实验中,未成对电子扮演怎样一个角色了。)
  • 5、Your genetic makeup may alsoplay a role in how susceptible you are to the development of age spots.(个人的基因构成也可能对老年斑的产生造成影响。)
  • 6、We sincerely hope that WWF canplay a role in protecting this endangered species.(我们真诚地希望世界自然基金会能在保护这个濒危的野生物种中发挥作用。)
  • 7、They suggest that genes on the X chromosomeplay a role in autism.(他们说x染色体的基因在自闭症中起着作用。)
  • 8、In fact, Kerwin's team is already seeing some hints that estrogen mayplay a role in cognition in obese women.(实际上,科尔文等学者已经发现了一些线索,从中能推断出雌激素可能在肥胖女性的认知力中起到作用。)
  • 9、There is no present evidence that domestic catsplay a role in the transmission cycle of H5N1 viruses.(目前没有证据表明,家猫在H5N1病毒的传播链中发挥了作用。)
  • 10、Whether DEC salt will continue toplay a role in the eradication effort is not entirely clear.(是否DEC盐会在消灭丝虫病中继续发挥主要作用还不清楚。)
  • 11、I realize we're supposed to research food-born bacteria, but food packaging mustplay a role in all of that, right?(我意识到我们应该研究食物糜烂后滋生的细菌,但是食物包装应该起到了很大的作用,对吧?)
  • 12、Macrophages are cells thatplay a role in the response of the immune system of mice and other mammals to invasive organisms such as bacteria.(巨噬细胞是在小鼠和其他哺乳动物的免疫系统对细菌等侵入性生物的反应中发挥作用的细胞。)
  • 13、As an example of this, let's talk a bit about how linksplay a role in building our index.(让我们举个例子来看一下链接在排名的过程中的价值。)
  • 14、This is not to say that use cases should not continue toplay a role in your project.(这并不是说不应当在您的项目中继续发挥用例的作用。)
  • 15、And there are growing fears that milk consumption couldplay a role in childhood obesity.(还有一个日益加剧的担忧就是喝牛奶对儿童肥胖的作用。)
  • 16、Also, more generally, it could be that these implicit attitudesplay a role in judgment calls.(更普遍地来说,这些内隐态度可能,会影响你的主观判断。)
  • 17、Should India alsoplay a role in other regional organizations?(印度是否也应当在其它一些地区组织中发挥作用?)
  • 18、Genetics: Genesplay a role in how your body balances calories and energy.(遗传:基因在你的身体平衡热量和能量中扮演很重要的角色。)
  • 19、The missing regions varied among families, but they affected at least six genes thatplay a role in autism.(丢失的区域在各家庭之间有所不同,但是影响了至少六个在孤独症中起到重要作用的基因。)
  • 20、Such accelerator chips are expected toplay a role in exascale systems and are being used by some manufacturers already.(这种加速芯片有望在百亿亿次系统中发挥作用,目前它已经被一些制造商加以利用。)
  • 21、"They're even robust enough toplay a role in search and rescue along our coastline," he adds.(“它们甚至很结实耐用,能够在海岸线沿线的搜寻与救援工作中发挥作用,”他补充道。)
  • 22、All these classes are very important to win a match, since they allplay a role in completing objectives.(所有的职业都是赢得比赛所不可或缺的,因为他们都在完成“目标”时扮演着重要的角色。)
  • 23、It interacts and federates with other metadata stores thatplay a role in managing the overall life cycle of a service.(它与在管理整体服务生命周期方面发挥作用的其他元数据存储区交互和联合。)
  • 24、So if nuclear power canplay a role in cooling our planet, the Lantern thinks it deserves to stay on the table.(所以如果核能源可以扮演一个冷却地球的角色,它值得我们考虑。)
  • 25、Although a strong pound and weak markets in Asiaplay a role in the downsizing, the layoffs in Stoke have their roots in earthshaking social shifts.(虽然强大的英镑和疲软的亚洲市场在裁员中起了一定作用,但斯托克城失业潮的原因根源在翻天覆地的社会转型。)
  • 26、These are brain systems, not phases, Fisher emphasized, and all threeplay a role in love.(上述这些都是大脑的活动系统而不是阶段,Fisher强调说,所有三种系统都在爱情中发挥作用。)
  • 27、That analysis has led Dr Bracke to propose that mud wallowing, like rolling, couldplay a role in reproduction in pigs.(马克博士分析认为,猪在泥巴里打滚,像鹿在地上滚一样,都能扮演繁衍后代的角色。)
  • 28、Vasopressin also continues toplay a role in attachment.(垂体后叶加压素在依恋中也继续着它的角色。) (好工具hao86.com)

play a role in基本释义

play a role in

英 [pleɪ ei rəul in] 美 [pleɪ e rol ɪn] 
在 ... 中起作用; 扮演角色