
play a trick造句

play a trick造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 20:46:25


play a trick造句

  • 1、play a trick with your friend to unlock the phone with your fingerprint!(玩一个把戏与您的朋友与你的指纹解锁的手机!)
  • 2、Sometimes the boys wouldplay a trick on their teacher.(有时孩子们常要对老师开个玩笑。)
  • 3、The way to save Wilbur's life is toplay a trick on Zuckerman.(拯救威伯的办法就是对祖克曼玩一个把戏。)
  • 4、If they are not given anything, the children mightplay a trick.(如果你什么也不打发给孩子,那么他们就可能作弄别人了。)
  • 5、Kids willplay a trick on you if you don't give them a treat.(如果你不款待孩子们,他们将会捉弄你。)
  • 6、He knew that Bear was hungry, and decided toplay a trick on him.(他知道,熊饿了,并决定发挥他的伎俩。)
  • 7、It was not Christmas Eve then, but it came into his head toplay a trick upon the bull.(那时候还不是平安夜,但他突然想捉弄一下那头公牛。)
  • 8、It's interesting toplay a trick on somebody.(对某人玩小把戏很有趣。看喜剧片很有趣。) hAo86.com
  • 9、Don'tplay a trick on that poor little boy.(不要捉弄那个可怜的小男孩。)
  • 10、Sometimes the boys wouldplay a trick on the teacher.(有时孩子们会戏弄老师。)
  • 11、Warn my relative not toplay a trick on the stranger.(警告我的亲戚不要耍弄这个陌生人。)
  • 12、Sincerity:Do notplay a trick on anybody; think and speak justly and frankly.(诚挚:不对任何人耍花招;思想和说话要做到正直、坦诚。)
  • 13、You spirit. I didn't kill you just now. And now youplay a trick again. Watch!(你这妖怪,刚才未曾打死你,现在又想来害我师傅,看棒!)
  • 14、Who else wouldplay a trick like that on me? I expect Rose put him up to it.(别人谁会那样欺骗我?估计是罗斯鼓动他干的。)
  • 15、One night, my two buddies and I decided toplay a trick on Sheriff Brown.(有天晚上,我和两个伙计决定要捉弄这个叫布朗的官员一番。)
  • 16、How dare youplay a trick on your boss?(你怎么敢捉弄你的老板?)
  • 17、Billyet'splay a trick on the girls, Sandy.(我们跟那些女孩子开个玩笑,桑迪。)
  • 18、Please don'tplay a trick on the old.(请不要对老人搞恶作剧。)
  • 19、If they do not give us a treat, we canplay a trick on them.(假如他们不招待我们,我们就做恶作剧。)
  • 20、If the children do not get any candy, they canplay a trick on the neighbour.(如果孩子们没有得到一些糖果,他们会捉弄一下邻居。)
  • 21、So they had toplay a trick.(因此他们不得不开个玩笑。)
  • 22、He decided toplay a trick on Opossum.(他决定上播放负鼠的伎俩。)

play a trick基本释义


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