
power failure造句

power failure造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:28:51


power failure造句

  • 1、Ensure the safety of life and property of hotel guests and employees in the case ofpower failure.(在突发重大停电事故的情况下,确保客人和员工的生命财产安全。)
  • 2、In spite of thepower failure, the factory continued to function normally.(尽管停电了,这个工厂还继续照常运转。)
  • 3、Later in this article, you'll see a more rigorous test for the results of a network orpower failure when an MI broker has been implemented as well.(在本文后面,当mi代理实现后,您还将看到针对一个网络或电源故障的结果的更严格的测试。)
  • 4、Excellent Performance: breakpoint carving,power failure recovery, processing time and other functions, the real humanized design.(性能无忧:拥有断点续雕、断电恢复、加工时间预测等功能,真正人性化设计。)
  • 5、Configuration manual hydraulic device, can be inpower failure or no power supply place as usual lifting.(配置手动液压装置,可在停电或无电源场所照常进行升降工作。)
  • 6、In my house we check our supply of candles and dry-cell batteries in case of apower failure.(在我家里,我们会检查蜡烛和干电池的供求是否足够来以防停电。)
  • 7、Apower failure at 11:03 P. M. plunged the city into Stygian blackness.(晚上11:03停电,使全市陷入了阴森森的黑暗中。)
  • 8、He thought the transaction was in process when a massivepower failure took out the ATM and the two Banks he was transferring money between.(当一个严重的功能性故障在ATM和他转移钱的两个银行发生时,他认为事务在处理。)
  • 9、Timer: temperature to time, when thepower failure alarm indication.(计时器:温到计时,时到断电报警指示。)
  • 10、Back when I was living in Noida, I would occasionally sleep on the balcony when there was a longpower failure-there were many in the summer.(以前住在诺伊达的时候,遇到长时间停电,我偶尔会睡在外面的露台上。那时夏天经常停电。)
  • 11、It is the first flight recorder to have a recorder-independent power supply which allows operation in the event of apower failure.(它是拥有一个记录器独立电源供应的第一个飞行记录器,在动力供应失败的情况下也可操作。)
  • 12、Its reliance not on old-fashioned radios, but on the Internet and mobile telephones-both of which were knocked out by apower failure.(归因于其依赖过时的无线电设备,还有互联网和移动电话——而这两方面都因断电而无法运作。)
  • 13、Thepower failure had traffic tangled in the city.(电力的中断使城市内的交通陷入混乱状态。)
  • 14、However, we all know that every now and then, something atypical happens, such as an unexpectedpower failure or system lock-up.(然而,我们都知道不时地会有一些意外发生,例如意想不到的电源故障或者系统挂起。)
  • 15、What happens if there's apower failure?(如果出现故障将会发生什么?)
  • 16、It is also lost if there is apower failure or other disruption of the electric current going to the microcomputer.(它也失去了,如果有一个电源故障或其他电动微机电流中断。)
  • 17、Passengers were stuck at railway station after apower failure caused by snow, ice and sleet stopped more than 136 trains.(由于大雪、冰冻和雨夹雪造成的停电,超过136列列车受阻,大量旅客滞留火车站内。)
  • 18、Maintenance inspections for the battery pack as a whole, real mainspower failure, can effectively protect the security of the load.(对电池组整体进行维护检查,真正遇到市电停电时,才能有效保护负载安全。)
  • 19、Apower failure plunged everything into darkness.(电源故障使一切陷入黑暗。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、In addition, to a corrupted journal, you also run the risk of losing drive cached data in the advent of apower failure.(而且,除了不一致的事务日志,当电源崩溃时你有可能面临磁盘缓存数据的丢失。)
  • 21、This helps you to recover messages in case of apower failure or system crash.(该功能帮助您在电源故障或系统崩溃的情况下恢复消息。)
  • 22、Active logs are logs that prevent lost of data during crash recovery such aspower failure.(活跃日志防止在崩溃恢复(比如电源故障)期间的数据损失。)
  • 23、But what happens in the case of apower failure or system crash?(但是,如果出现系统电源故障或者崩溃,又会发生什么情况呢?)
  • 24、Apower failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation.(停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。)
  • 25、Apower failure plunged the whole house into sudden darkness.(停电了,整个房子突然陷入一片漆黑之中。)
  • 26、Researchers have discovered that the brain slips into periods of "power failure" mode in people who are sleep-deprived.(研究人员发现,缺少睡眠的人,大脑容易陷入“短路”状态。)
  • 27、While you are working in a file, you should save it frequently to avoid losing data unexpectedly due to apower failure or other problem.(对文件进行操作时,应该经常保存文件,以避免由于电源故障或其他问题而意外丢失数据。)
  • 28、Look for a Child unit that has a backup battery in case ofpower failure.(寻求一个儿童组表示,有一个备用电池,在案件的电力供应中断。)

power failure基本释义

power failure

英 [ˈpauə ˈfeiljə] 美 [ˈpaʊɚ ˈfeljɚ] 
第三人称复数:power failures
停电; 电源故障