
public housing造句

public housing造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:14:35


public housing造句

  • 1、In 2003 I finally got my chance: the implosion of a 16-storypublic housing tower in Dundee, Scotland.(2003年,在苏格兰的敦堤市,当一栋高16层的公共住宅楼被内部引爆的时候,我终于有了走近真相的机会。)
  • 2、The only high rises on the horizon werepublic housing towers, all red brick and small Windows.(地平线上唯一的高楼是公共屋塔,都是红砖小窗。)
  • 3、Four children were found dead in a Kentuckypublic housing complex after a man walked into a police station and said he had killed his family.(在这个人走进警察局并说他杀死他的家人后,警察在肯塔基州公共住宅村发现他四个已死的孩子。)
  • 4、Ludwig says the difference between the cost ofpublic housing and the rent-subsidy vouchers for private housing is negligible, but both are expensive.(路德维希说公共住房的花费和用租金补贴券租赁私人住房直接的差别可以忽略不计,但是两者都很昂贵。)
  • 5、Ten sites in Chicago are being reborn as mixed-income communities, part of the city's big plan to transform itspublic housing.(作为这个城市改造它的公共供给住房的庞大计划的一部分,芝加哥的十个地点将会重建为多收入阶层混合居住式街区。)
  • 6、Hospitals, multistorypublic housing units, schools.(医院,多层公寓,学校。)
  • 7、About 1 billion square meters worth ofpublic housing (or about 14 million, 70-square-meter units) have been torn down.(约十亿平方米(相当于1400万套70平方米的房屋)仍然完好的住宅被推倒,全国范围内这种房屋总面积还剩下9亿平方米。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 8、The project, located in a high-rise area of mixed private andpublic housing, demonstrates that high density can be high amenity.(这个项目位于私人住所和公共住所混合的高层建筑区域。)
  • 9、This marginalization of those in social housing estates requires a differentpublic housing system.(这在社会住房的边缘化屋需要不同的公共房屋系统。)
  • 10、"We had a big altar in the house where I grew up, but not here," he said, gesturing around his small, tidy apartment in apublic housing complex.(“我小时候家里有个很大的祭坛,但是这儿没有,”他指着自己位于一个公房公寓楼里的整洁的小公寓说道。)
  • 11、They often cannot use public schools and clinics, and they are barred frompublic housing.(他们通常无法享受公立学校和公立诊所的服务,也被公共住房拒之门外。)
  • 12、It plans and buildspublic housing for rent or sale to low income people.(房屋委员会负责策划和兴建公营房屋,把公屋出租或出售给低收入人士。)
  • 13、Laws can restrict or ban voting, access topublic housing, and professional and business licensing.(法律可以限制或禁止投票权、获取公共住房、职业和商业许可的权利。)
  • 14、Now my two kids and I are staying with my mother inpublic housing, with all four of us sharing a single bedroom.(现在,我带着两个孩子和我母亲一起挤在她的公屋里,四个人共用一间卧室。)
  • 15、They peat and stone construction of a largepublic housing.(他们用泥炭和石头建造了一个大的公共住宅。)
  • 16、Existing residents often resent the newcomers, who compete for school places, doctors' appointments andpublic housing.(现有居民通常反感新来者,他们会抢夺学校名额,医生的预约,公共住房。)
  • 17、Localpublic housing authorities disagree with this reading of the law.(当地的公共住房管理当局不同意对该法律的这种解读。)
  • 18、Most people here live inpublic housing units.(这儿大多数的人都居住在公共的单元房里。)
  • 19、Stock public houses by the sale tax collection, according to the relevant provisions of the sale ofpublic housing.(存量公房出售税费的收取,仍按公有住房出售的有关规定执行。)
  • 20、Interest rates onpublic housing fund loans are lower than bank loans.(公积金贷款利率低于银行商业贷款利率。)
  • 21、We'll plunk for morepublic housing.(我们将支持兴建更多的公共住宅。)

public housing基本释义

public housing

英 [ˈpʌblik ˈhauziŋ] 美 [ˈpʌblɪk ˈhaʊzɪŋ] 

