
press coverage造句

press coverage造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 20:45:43


press coverage造句

  • 1、With all thepress coverage, that could give Japan, a year hence, a taste of its own Easter story.(经过媒体广泛的报道,这可以让日本在今后的一年中体验一次自己的“复活节”。)
  • 2、Curiously, muchpress coverage of the report omitted its finding that one of the most restrictive upper-middle-class bastions was the media.(让人好奇的是,很多对这篇报告的报道都忽略了其中的一项发现,那就是媒体行业已经成为被中上产阶级牢固霸占的行业之一了。)
  • 3、She also mentioned not liking some of thepress coverage she and her family have endured.(她也提到她对媒体对她和她家人的一些报道不甚喜欢。)
  • 4、That is partly why, despite the widespreadpress coverage, the number of companies with work-at-home programs or policy guidelines remains small.(这就是为什么尽管有广泛的报导,具有在家工作项目或行动纲领的公司数目依然很少的部分原因。)
  • 5、press coverage was extensive but muted, after the widow stated that she respected the verdict.(报道铺天盖地,但在死者妻子说她认可裁决后就都噤声了。)
  • 6、Details are murky because much of the case, including the appeal, has taken place behind closed doors, with restrictions on directpress coverage.(由于案子大部分是暗中进行的,包括上诉请求,和限制直接相关报道等因素使得一些细节模糊不清。)
  • 7、Thepress coverage of Predator drones routinely and systematically conceals agency — obscuring, if you’ll forgive the pun, one very specific agency.(新闻报道总是一贯隐瞒”捕食者”无人战机的操控机构,模糊一个非常具体的机构。)
  • 8、Her rise, as she once described the star-is-bornpress coverage that greeted her maiden speech in commons, was “roses, roses all the way.”(新闻界在报道她第一次在下院发表学说时,对其表示了赞许,说她是一颗已经诞生的新星;正像撒切尔在描述这一报道时说,她是沿着一条“铺满玫瑰的路”冉冉升起的。)
  • 9、The team “sought outpress coverage very carefully,” says Cotlear.(Cotlear说:“这个小组在争取新闻报道方面很谨慎。”)
  • 10、It has grown in size as internationalpress coverage brought more and more people to the.(由于国际媒体的报道,越来越多的人前来参加这一狂欢节,因此西红柿大战的规模也越来越大。)
  • 11、The campaign was largely peaceful and thepress coverage was vibrant and fair.(竞选活动总体来说是和平的,且媒体报道也是公平且富有活力。)
  • 12、The public scrutiny andpress coverage the firm has received over the past few years has also changed the size of the buy-out deals it will consider.(过去几年里,公众监督和媒体报道也让这家公司对公司收购业务的规模做出调整。)
  • 13、The public were not fooled by all the hype in thepress coverage of the event.(新闻界对这一事件的炒作并没有愚弄得了公众。)
  • 14、Mr. Buckmaster of Craigslist said the criticism and thepress coverage had exaggerated the threat of violence.(Craigslist的巴克马斯特说,对网站的责难和新闻报道夸大了暴力犯罪的危险。)
  • 15、They were delivered to students, faculty, supporters, and goodpress coverage in beautiful, old, wood-paneled Gaston Hall, in the Healy Building.(演讲的地点是希利大楼里镶有木板的古典美观的加斯顿大厅,观众是学院学生、教职工、支持者和适当数量的媒体记者。)
  • 16、My being a country boy on the subway got morepress coverage than my speech, but the appearance was important.(跟我的演讲比起来,我在地铁里的乡下男孩形象得到媒体更多的报道,但是这次露脸非常重要。)
  • 17、What has died out is thepress coverage: the tech media is not touching the site anymore.(真正在消失的是什么?是媒体的曝光率。没有技术媒体再报道它了。)
  • 18、Others may reflect mixed messages inpress coverage of the healthfulness of foods.(其他的可能反映了媒体在报道食品健康程度时传达的信息有些含混。)
  • 19、Otherpress coverage includes regular columns in the hair consumer and trade press and quotes in all the top beauty titles.(其他新闻报道,包括在发消费者和行业新闻界和所有的最漂亮的商品报价定期列。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 20、While at the meantime,press coverage by foreign media has seen an increasing trend both in their quantities and contents.(与此同时,外国媒体对中国的报道,无论在数量上还是报道内容所涉及的领域上都呈现了逐年上升的趋势。)
  • 21、One read, "We have no nationalpress coverage in Iran, everyone should help spread Moussavi's message."(其中有一条写到,“我们伊朗没有国家媒体,每个人都应该帮忙传递穆萨维的消息!”)
  • 22、The aim was to generate seasonal buzz andpress coverage.(目的就是产生季节感和一些新闻炒作。)
  • 23、Mr Cohen has not been charged with any wrongdoing, but the torrent ofpress coverage cannot be helpful.(科恩先生并没有被指控有任何过错,但媒体对该事件连编累牍的报道无疑对公司有所影响。)
  • 24、The way they swarm or flock together does not usually get goodpress coverage either: marching like worker ants might be a common simile for city commuters, but it's a damning, not positive, image.(它们蜂拥或聚集在一起的方式通常不会得到媒体的正面报道:城市的通勤者往往会被比喻成像工蚁一样行进,但这种比喻是一个不佳的、负面的形象。)
  • 25、But the appeal had generally fallen on deaf ears, despite broadpress coverage and correspondence with Member Nations and financial institutions.(尽管有广泛的新闻报道及与成员国和金融机构的书信往来,但这些呼吁被置若罔闻。)
  • 26、The rest is a slog throughpress coverage, mainly of her second marriage, to Blake Edwards, and her five children.(书中其余部分是媒体报道的大杂烩,主要内容是关于她的第二次婚姻和她五个孩子。)
  • 27、In Japan, the tone of thepress coverage of the issue has been different.(而在日本,媒体报导此事的基调却有不同。)
  • 28、He thinks the success of pr is best measured by the amount ofpress coverage.(他认为衡量公关工作成功与否的最好标准就是媒体报道的力度。)

press coverage基本释义
