
private industry造句

private industry造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:50:02


private industry造句

  • 1、Mister Obama says the plan should save or create at least three million jobs over the next few years, mostly inprivate industry.(奥巴马先生说,该计划在未来几年内可挽救或创造至少300万个就业机会。)
  • 2、Let theprivate industry run it.(让私营企业运行它吧。)
  • 3、As an immediate step,private industry can implement sharply tiered or no-profit pricing of cancer drugs in low - and middle - income countries.(报告说,一个直接方法就是,私有制药公司可以在中低收入国家对癌症药物采取价格分级或零利润制度。)
  • 4、The work is funded byprivate industry.(这项工作是由私人企业资助的。)
  • 5、Considering the resources available in any asteroidprivate industry might be interested in getting involved.(考虑到小行星中可用的资源,私营企业应该对参与这项计划很有兴趣。)
  • 6、These requirements have already started to cascade intoprivate industry, with large companies leading the way.(这些要求已经开始关系到由大型公司引导方向的私有行业。)
  • 7、Isprivate industry partially stagnant?(私营企业出现部分停滞怎么办?)
  • 8、Some more-experimental robot subs made byprivate industry, like the Columbia Group's Proteus, tops out at 324.(一些私有工业研制的还在试验阶段的无人潜水艇,如哥伦比亚集团的希腊海神号,最多也只能掩盖324海里。)
  • 9、"There are significant opportunities forprivate industry to partner in the homeland security and sub-conventional warfare space, " Raju said.(Raju说,“私营工业在国土安全和亚伙伴常规战的空间有重要的合伙机会”。)
  • 10、As with anyprivate industry in receipt of almost unlimited cheap public funds, finance now has every incentive to be as big as possible-beyond the point of usefulness.(正如私有行业正受到无限制、廉价的共同资金一样,金融业受到的每一个刺激都是让他变得更大---远非有用那么简单。)
  • 11、Norway, western Europe's leading gas and oil exporter, invites the country'sprivate industry to reduce carbon emissions.(西欧主要的石油与天然气出口国挪威,请求国内私人企业减少碳的排放。)
  • 12、China has a mixed economy involving state enterprises, proliferations of rural and township collectives, andprivate industry.(中国的经济混合了国营企业,乡镇企业和私人企业。)
  • 13、All of these accountants, like those inprivate industry, work on a salary basis.(所有这些会计师和在私营行业工作的会计师一样是挣工薪的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、The biggest attraction of the public sector is that, for women with the same qualifications and skills, it almost always pays better than doesprivate industry.(公共部门对妇女最大的吸引力在于拥有同等的资质和技术水平,它所支付的工资几乎全都高于私营部门。)
  • 15、But a spokesman said the agency is working withprivate industry on standards that could allow the broader use of drones.(不过,一位发言人表示,该机构正在和私人企业讨论有关允许广泛使用无人机的标准。)
  • 16、But what is needed is not new jobs to perform inefficient, wealth-consuming work, but jobs inprivate industry to create real wealth.(此时我们需要的并不是低效率,消耗财富的工作,而是创造真正财富的私人企业的工作。)
  • 17、Their faculty members are encouraged, not dissuaded, to have extensive contacts withprivate industry.(它们有什么配合点呢?这些黉舍的教员们都被鼓励(而不是劝阻)与私人企业进行频仍接触。)
  • 18、During a lecture on the influence ofprivate industry money on research, a student instead asked how the growth of the Internet has shaped science.(在一次针对私人企业资金对研究影响的演讲中,一位学生反而问及因特网的成长如何形塑科学。)
  • 19、He turned down many offers to leave Tuskegee Institute to become a rich scientist inprivate industry.(他拒绝了不少要求他离开塔斯基吉学院并加入可以发家致富的私营企业的邀请。)
  • 20、Commercial space companies like SpaceX and Bigelow Aerospace have argued for a larger role forprivate industry in providing human launch services to low-earth orbit.(类似spaceX和BigelowAerospace那样的商业空间公司则主张,让私营工业在向地球低轨道提供载人发射方面发挥更大的作用。)
  • 21、We wanted to learn fromprivate industry how to create new behaviors that happen automatically.(我们想向私营企业学习如何创造自发产生的新行为。)

private industry基本释义
