
leaf through造句

leaf through造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:24:06


leaf through造句

  • 1、I abandon the bright, orderly kitchen table and kick back on the couch. With the TV babbling, a snack in hand and my feet on the coffee table, Ileaf through the Study Guide lackadaisically.(我放弃了明亮整洁的厨房桌子,改在沙发上复习,开着电视,吃着点心,把脚放在茶几上,有一搭没一搭地翻着那本《学习指南》。)
  • 2、The illustration shows a section through a leaf.(图中所示为叶的剖面。)
  • 3、Chinese Yew and Mairei Yew can be easily differentiated from Yunnan Yew through the texture of its leaf.(中国红豆杉和美丽红豆杉可以通过叶子的质地与云南红豆杉区分开。)
  • 4、Pure gold can be rolled and hammered to gold leaf, so thin that light can be transmitted through it, or drawn down to a fine point because it has extremely high ductility.(由于纯金的很强的延展性它可以被磙子压,锤子砸变成金叶子,可以薄到光线可以穿过的地步,或者从小孔里流下来。)
  • 5、Major factors of the pear iron chlorosis were determined through soil testing and leaf analysis.(通过对酥梨缺铁黄化症的土壤分析、叶片分析来确定诱发黄化的主要因素。)
  • 6、EXAMPLE: I only had time toleaf through the recent report before I left my office, but it looked significant and I will study it more carefully tomorrow.(我下班后才有时间看看最近的报告,但它看来很重要,我明天会认真研究一下。)
  • 7、Whenever you make some money,leaf through your diary and ask whether you could have done any past trades differently in light of what you have just learned.(当你赚钱的时候,你要通过日记总结,并问自己,如果是现在你会如何操作过去的交易。)
  • 8、In front of the padded chairs were slippers for customers to wear. There was also daily paper toleaf through.(软椅前有供客人临时穿着的拖鞋,还有当日的报纸可以随便翻翻。)
  • 9、A study of Central American leaf-cutter ants has shown that the younger and more vigorous members of the colony are given the toughest job of cutting through the leaves they harvest.(俄勒冈大学和俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员对中美洲的切叶蚁进行了研究,他们发现,蚁群中的年轻和精力充沛的成员被委派去做最艰难的工作——将蚁群收集起来的叶片切成碎片。这些身强力壮的切叶蚁用它们锐利的牙齿做起这种工作来很有效率,但是随着年龄的增长,它们的牙齿也会变得破旧而迟钝。) Hao86.com
  • 10、Through cuttage of axillary buds and leaf tissue culture, numerous regenerated plantlets had been produced and were transplanted in the field.(对取自烟草变异株的腋芽进行扦插和叶片组织培养,均已成功地获得再生植株。)
  • 11、We cannotleaf through documents without permission, even if the documents are just lying on the table, let alone plagiarize them, " Wen said."(即使文件正放在桌子上,不经过允许也不能随意翻阅,更不用说抄袭了。)
  • 12、For some books are not for you toleaf through and dip into, but for you to think through.(有的书不是让你蜻蜓点水一样来读的,而是需要你的思考的。)
  • 13、The insect, also known as the tomato leaf miner, devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks.(这种昆虫,也被称为番茄叶虫,通过以水果为食和在茎里挖掘与移动而破坏农作物。)
  • 14、When friends come to stay, they will never be without a new book toleaf through.(当朋友来家里的时候,他们永远会有新书可以看。)
  • 15、We wish we could pass the idea of "low carbon life" to every student and teacher in Maple Leaf School through our efforts.(希望通过我们的点滴努力,把“低碳生活”的理念传递给枫叶国际学校的每一位师生。)
  • 16、Real scientists, after all, do notleaf through Newton's "Principia Mathematica" to solve contemporary problems in physics.(毕竟,真正的科学家不可能翻翻牛顿的“数学原理”,就将当代物理难题一一解决。)
  • 17、Handy: : Make turning pages easier by getting a thin rubber band and wrapping it around the index finger toleaf through books, papers and notepads with ease.(便利:翻阅书籍、报纸以及记事本的时候,在食指上绕上一圈薄薄的橡皮筋可以使翻页变得更容易。)
  • 18、Youleaf through the hangers in your closet in search of something that might suggest competence, professionalism, a sense of purpose.(你翻看你衣橱里衣架上的东西,搜索可能暗示你有能力,有敬业精神,有使命感的服装。)
  • 19、leaf through the financial magazines at this time of year and they are full of predictions.(翻阅此时的财经杂志,杂志上全是预言。)
  • 20、With them we needn't bother toleaf through the heavy dictionaries.(有了他们,我们不必费心翻开沉重的字典。)
  • 21、Through the typical sample survey, I have ascertained the output of bow leaf of oak tree seed.(通过典型抽样调查,查明甘肃林区主要建群树种橡树的籽壳碗叶的产量;)
  • 22、Shaking a little, Karp began toleaf through a copy of the binder the museum had sent Blum, which I had brought to the gallery.(震惊之余,卡普开始翻看我带来的博物馆寄给勃鲁姆的花名册副本。“天哪!”)
  • 23、The village band. Most of villagers play one or more instruments. They can even play tunes blown through a tree leaf.(村里的乐队,很多人都会一种或多种乐器。树叶吹出来的声音在那种场合也非常好听。)
  • 24、Flows can be rerouted through the network in response to local pressures in the environment, such as different evaporation rates in different parts of a leaf.(流动的路径可以对当地环境压力作出反应并改变,例如叶片不同部分蒸发率不同。)

leaf through基本释义

leaf through

英 [li:f θru:] 美 [lif θru] 

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