
least of all造句

least of all造句

更新时间:2024-12-29 21:45:45


least of all造句

  • 1、It is not a perfect world,least of all in California.(可这毕竟不是个理想的世界,至少加利福利亚是这样的。)
  • 2、least of all is it to their interest.(那对他们最没有兴趣的了。)
  • 3、I never hid the truth,least of all from you.(我从不隐瞒事实,尤其是对你。)
  • 4、She did not like to see people unhappy,least of all the good, kind doctor.(她不喜欢看到人们不开心,尤其是那些善良的好医生。)
  • 5、All of the other books on this list are at least somewhat technical.(这份列表中的其他所有书籍都至少和技术有些相关。)
  • 6、I like that bookleast of all.(我最不喜欢那本书。)
  • 7、I thought you'll be proud of me. I thought atleast of all people, you will understand why I did this!(我原以为你会为我骄傲,我原以为在所有人里面,至少你会理解为什么我会这么做!)
  • 8、Andleast of all an adventure for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it.(至少对于那些面对面经历死亡的人而言,死亡的历险不是历险。)
  • 9、None of us can tell where he has gone, meleast of all.(我们不知道他上哪儿去了,尤其是我,更是一无所知。)
  • 10、It is the simplest, most convenient and least expensive of all writinginstruments.(在所有的书写工具中,它最简单,最方便,最便宜。)
  • 11、least of all Han.(至少所有汉族。)
  • 12、I don't want to see anyone today,least of all him!(我今天谁也不想见,特别是不想见他。)
  • 13、Cost was secondary, and time was least important of all, given that there was no shooting war.(成本被排第二,而时间被当成了最不重要的一个要素,只要没有交火事件发生。)
  • 14、None of you can complain, Charlesleast of all.(你们谁也不能抱怨,尤其是查尔斯。)
  • 15、To be wise it is not enough to seem wise,least of all to seem so to oneself.(要做聪明人,看上去聪明是不够的,自认为聪明则更不行。)
  • 16、This earth can satisfy no man,least of all the wise.(这个地球上,能满足任何人,最少的一切明智的。)
  • 17、I don't like rain or storms, andleast of all thunder.(我不喜欢下雨和暴风雨,尤其不喜欢打雷。)
  • 18、He gave (the)least of all towards the wedding present.(买结婚礼物,他出的钱最少。)
  • 19、'There's no poet in the world who can say this,least of all a great poet like yourself.(因为世界上任何一个诗人都不能这么说,更何况像你这样伟大的诗人呢!)
  • 20、Nobody need worry, youleast of all.(谁也不用担心,尤其是你。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 21、least of all would I lie to you.(谁能信任这样一个撒谎的人?)
  • 22、For God's sake,least of all you!(看在上帝的份上,何况是你。)
  • 23、No one could ever tell what he was thinking about, Scarlettleast of all.(谁也不明白他在想些什么,而思嘉是最不明白的。)
  • 24、Pinocchio ateleast of all.(皮诺乔吃得最少。)

least of all基本释义

least of all

英 [li:st ɔv ɔ:l] 美 [list ʌv ɔl] 
最不; 尤其