
leave behind造句

leave behind造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:58:43


leave behind造句

  • 1、'Document all your work, make sure the files youleave behind are easily accessible,' she says.(布莱克曼说,要把所有工作都做好备案,确保你留下的文件都很好使用。)
  • 2、What do we humansleave behind?(我们人类又能留下什么呢?)
  • 3、By opening a novel, I canleave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character.(打开一本小说,我就可以放下负担,进入一个奇妙而神秘的世界,在那里我现在是一个新的人物。)
  • 4、Sometimes, the traces of breadcrumbs youleave behind are the only clues that you have an eating disorder.(有时,你留下的面包屑痕迹是暗示你患有饮食失调症的唯一线索。)
  • 5、If he retires this summer, Yao wouldleave behind a giant void.(如果他在这个夏天退役,姚明将会留下一片巨大的空白。)
  • 6、What kind of legacy will Yaoleave behind?(姚明为我们留下了怎样的传奇?)
  • 7、What kind of legacy do you want toleave behind?(你想要给后人留下什么样的遗产?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 8、Ileave behind two trees: one with silver grey hair, the other still freshly green.(我留下两棵树,一棵长着银灰色的头发,另一棵还鲜绿。)
  • 9、I willleave behind very many friends all around the world and take with me 30 years of lasting memories.(我将离开分布于世界各地的众多的朋友们,带走属于我的30年的长久的回忆。)
  • 10、Now they're gone — and theyleave behind grieving families, and grieving classmates, and a grieving nation.(现在他们就这样走了,只留下了他们的家庭,同伴,和一个同样处境中的国家,共同去承担这无情的,伤悲。)
  • 11、leave behind that old mindset that your job-related skills or length of service are selling factors.(赶快扔掉工作相关技巧或者服务年限都属于销售因素这种老掉牙的心态。)
  • 12、That's what I want toleave behind: a place the rest of the world will look up to.(这就是我想要留下的:一个全世界都将仰望的地方。)
  • 13、We'd like to make a contribution, change things for the better, improve lives,leave behind something positive.(我们想做点贡献,想让事情变得更好,想改变生活,想留下一些正面的东西。)
  • 14、The marks theyleave behind are the same as those found in ancient rocks in South Korea.(它们留下的印记和在韩国发现的古老岩石中的印记一模一样。)
  • 15、-That's the one thing you mustn'tleave behind! -I know, I haven't lost it.(-这是你唯一不能丢下的东西!-我知道,我没丢。)
  • 16、Therefore, a begging nestling that secures food at the expense of its siblings might actuallyleave behind fewer copies of its genes overall than it might otherwise.(因此,一只以其兄弟姐妹为代价来获取食物的乞食雏鸟实际上可能会比其它雏鸟留下更少的基因副本。)
  • 17、What about the people youleave behind?(你留下的亲人们会如何?)
  • 18、That could help surgeons see precisely what to cut out and what toleave behind.(这也许能够帮助外科医生们清楚地看到哪些应该被切除,哪些应该被保留。)
  • 19、The work you do can be the gift of what youleave behind on this earth when you’re gone.(当你离开人世的时候,你所做的工作可以是一份你送给后人的礼物。)
  • 20、I looked them over with a burglar's eye, deciding what might be worth the risk of stealing, what on the other hand I wouldleave behind.(我用小偷的眼光扫了它们一眼,决定了哪些东西值得冒险去偷,哪些东西应该留下。)
  • 21、Burning the forest just once canleave behind enough black carbon to keep the soil fertile for thousands of years.(森林仅仅燃烧一次就能留下足够的黑碳,来保持数千年土壤肥沃。)
  • 22、Sometimes the only clue you have to SRED is the trail of bread crumbs youleave behind.(有时,你留下的面包屑痕迹是暗示你患有与睡眠有关饮食失调症的唯一线索。)
  • 23、Build on the ideas of others andleave behind something of yourself for other designers to build on.(在别人想法的基础上设计,然后为别人的设计留下一些你的东西。)
  • 24、As a result, he willleave behind him a country in dire straits.(结果他即将卸任的国家处在了恐怖海峡之中。)
  • 25、Checklist of Items youleave behind.(出发前需要核查的物品的清单。)
  • 26、The money wouldleave behind only regret.(金钱只会留下遗憾。)
  • 27、BUT, what about those programs youleave behind on your own PC?(但是,你在自己的电脑上使用的程序怎么办?)

leave behind基本释义

leave behind

英 [li:v biˈhaind] 美 [liv bɪˈhaɪnd] 
留下; 遗留