1、A thought shotlike lightning through Tom's brain.(汤姆的脑子里像闪电一般闪过一个念头。)
2、When news arrives, it will comelike lightning, in an odd or even strange way.(消息以一种游戏猜测类的奇怪的方式闪电般到来。) haO86.com
3、His countenance waslike lightning, and his raiment white as snow.(他的脸色像闪电,他的衣服洁白如雪。)
4、Thee affections arelike lightning: you cannot tell where they will strike till they have fallen.(爱情就像闪电:你无法预知何时何地它将降临。。)
5、like lightning, meteors are very unpredictable, which is part of what makes capturing them with a camera so satisfying.(流星就像闪电一样,难以预测,这就是为什么拍摄流星需要一台满意的相机。)
6、He movedlike lightning.(他行动快如闪电。)
7、My classmates call me "flash", because I run fast, such as high winds, the potentiallike lightning.(同学们都叫我我“闪电”,是因为我跑步快如疾风,势如闪电。)