
litter box造句

litter box造句

更新时间:2024-12-29 21:45:13


litter box造句

  • 1、If you have to clean the cat'slitter box, wear gloves and a face mask.(如果你必须亲自动手来清理猫砂,那么要戴上手套和口罩。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 2、When she suspected the cats were not using thelitter box in the basement, the robot was sent below to watch. The battery ran out long before we spotted any wayward cat.(当她怀疑猫没有使用地下室的垃圾箱的时候,就会派机器人下去视察,但在它发现任何一只任性的猫之见,就已经没有电了。)
  • 3、Cats can be trained to use a toilet bowl instead of alitter box, follow their owners at a command, or perform a high-five.(可以训练猫怎么使用抽水马桶,而不是猫沙盆。可以跟随主人的指令,或者主人引导它跳起击掌。)
  • 4、He learned his name, how to sit and how to use thelitter box all in the first week we had him (at 7 weeks old!).(他来到我们家的第一个星期(7周大的时候)就已经学会了我自己的名字,学会了怎么坐,还有怎么用那个小盒子。)
  • 5、The next day, she threw both the newspaper and the magazine into thelitter box. She knew that she did not need any marriage theory any longer.(第二天,她就把那份报纸连同那本杂志扔进了垃圾箱,她觉得她已不需要任何婚姻理论了。)
  • 6、Placelitter boxes (one per cat, if you own a few, plus one box they can share, says Moore) in quiet areas throughout your home.(把便盆放到家里比较安静的角落去吧。如果你有好几只猫咪的话,每只猫咪一个便盆,另外在加一个公用的才行。)
  • 7、Use thelitter box approach in your career — take the initiative to perform tasks and learn skills on your own.(在工作上要主动去完成任务,技能也要自己去学。)
  • 8、Why This Is a Mistake: A cat without a properlitter box will just use the carpet.(为什么这是一个错误:没有猫砂盆的猫就会拉在地毯上;)
  • 9、With the exception of eating and using thelitter box, Otto never left Mom's room.(除了吃食和在便盒里大小便,奥托寸步不离我妈妈的房间。)
  • 10、Also contains a blend of natural ingredients to help reducelitter box odor for a fresher indoor environment for your cat and you.(也包含一种自然成分的混和为你的猫和你为比较新鲜的户内环境帮助减少垃圾盒子气味。)
  • 11、If you have a cat or are caring for one, ask someone to clean or empty thelitter box while you're pregnant.(如果你养了只猫,或者正在照顾一只猫,那么怀孕期间你要请别人来帮你收拾猫砂或倒猫砂。)
  • 12、Changing an infected cat'slitter box. Cats infected with the parasite pass it on to others through their feces.(给一只被感染的猫换猫砂。因为感染这种寄生虫的猫会通过粪便传染给其它的动物。)
  • 13、Just 'cause I had one too many cheese sticks last night doesn't mean I can't bounce him all the way back to hislitter box!(只是“因为我有太多的奶酪枝昨晚并不意味着我不能反弹他所有的方式回到他的垃圾箱!”)
  • 14、litter box, socks, piles of magazines, dead houseplants — it's all got to go.(垃圾箱、袜子、杂志堆、死掉的室内盆栽——统统消失!)
  • 15、Being trapped in thelitter box will surely lead tolitter box avoidance by the victimized cat.(被困在猫砂盆中的经历会使被欺负的猫逃避猫砂盆。)
  • 16、Mylitter box duty, on the other hand, is now a chore of the past.(我那为猫砂盒掏粪的小家务,换种说法的话,就是那让人抓狂的历史。)
  • 17、The first one to dump their stuff in thatlitter box over there, gets to keep the job.(第一个把垃圾倒在那边垃圾箱中的人才能得到工作。)
  • 18、After asking my mom what was wrong with the dryer, I found out that for two days my cat had been using my laundry basket as alitter box.(我问妈妈烘干机是不是出了问题后,发现这两天我的猫一直把我的洗衣框当成它的私人厕所。)
  • 19、They don't shed and can be trained to use alitter box.(他们不会蜕皮还能训练他们使用一些小的盒子。)
  • 20、If you don't have help to keep thelitter box clean, wear rubber gloves when changing the litter and thoroughly wash your hands afterwards.(如果没有人帮你打扫猫厕,那么自己做时一定要带塑胶手套,在结束以后要彻底清洁双手。)
  • 21、Use old newspaper to line your Kittylitter box or your kitchen garbage can.(用旧报纸垫你的猫沙盒或厨房垃圾桶。)
  • 22、In the end, it was somehow inspiring to find that I was far from the only turd in thelitter box.(最后,这是某种鼓舞人心地发现原来自己并不是“猫砂盒里的唯一一砣”。)
  • 23、You should keep alitter box in your house.(你应该在屋子里放一个干草盒子。)
  • 24、Do you need to use thelitter box?(你要用你的猫砂盆吗?)
  • 25、I can remember where my food, water andlitter box are. please not move them often.(我记住去固定的地方就餐,请不要经常移动我的餐桌。)

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