


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:35:34



  • 1、ELECTRICITY andmagnetism are two sides of the same coin.(电和磁是一枚硬币的两面。)
  • 2、And why hismagnetism had never made him successful on the London stage was always a mystery to me.(但凭着那样的魅力,他竟一直没在伦敦舞台红起来,其中道理我是猜不透的。)
  • 3、It is not yet understood how turtles detectmagnetism, nor exactly how they derive a navigational map from it.(人们对海龟如何探测磁场还不理解,对于它们怎样从磁场获得导航图也不能做出正确解释。)
  • 4、She exudes sexualmagnetism.(她洋溢着女性的魅力。)
  • 5、Other areas under investigation includemagnetism, landmarks, coastlines, sonar, and even smells.(其他正在调查的领域包括磁性、地标、海岸线、声纳甚至气味。)
  • 6、This approach USES fluorescence instead ofmagnetism to image samples.(该方法利用的是荧光而非影像样本的磁性。)
  • 7、Unfortunately, we cannot count on thatmagnetism to last.(很遗憾,我们不能继续指望那块磁石的吸引力了。)
  • 8、Inmagnetism. The diamagnetic materials. Right.(在磁学中抗磁材料,好。)
  • 9、Multiferroic materials possess bothmagnetism and ferroelectricity, or a permanent electric polarization.(多铁性材料兼具磁性和铁电性,或者可以说成是永久电力极化特性。)
  • 10、We think ofmagnetism as a molecular phenomenon.(我们认为电磁是一种分子现象。)
  • 11、Sunspots are caused by irruptions into its surface of the sun's deepermagnetism.(太阳黑子是由入侵活动进入太阳深层磁性表面造成的。)
  • 12、There was no doubting the animalmagnetism of the man.(那个男人的动物性魅力无可置疑。)
  • 13、This friend knew of another physicist working in Paris who was also working on the properties ofmagnetism.(这位朋友知道在巴黎还有另外一个研究磁的性质的物理学家。)
  • 14、Spectacular explosions on the Sun's surface produce solar storms of intensemagnetism and radiation.(太阳表面壮观的爆炸产生具有强烈磁场与辐射的太阳风暴。)
  • 15、It also has nothing to do withmagnetism.(它与磁性也没有关系。)
  • 16、So the Madam thought she got themagnetism she wanted.(于是这位夫人认为她得到了她想要的吸引力。)
  • 17、There is some powerfulmagnetism attached to a Scorpio.(天蝎座有强大的吸引力。)
  • 18、magnetism is, ultimately, the result of a quantum-mechanical property known as spin.(最终,磁性产生于由自转的量子力学特性(quantum-mechanicalproperty)。)
  • 19、He wrote about Gillespie's effervescence,magnetism, and commitment.(他写了吉莱斯皮的活泼、魅力和专注。)
  • 20、With the natural adhesive properties of skin removed, themagnetism either works-or it doesn't.(如果皮肤的自然粘合性移走,磁性也应该起作用——否则就不具有磁性。)
  • 21、The onlymagnetism comes from electric charges and currents.(磁场唯一的来源就是电荷和电流。)
  • 22、Meanwhile, other researchers were studying properties likemagnetism.(与此同时,其他研究人员正在研究磁性的性质。)
  • 23、Electricity andmagnetism: Maxwell's equations.(电与磁:麦克斯韦方程组。) [hao86.com好工具]



英 [ˈmægnətɪzəm] 美 [ˈmæɡnɪˌtɪzəm] 
