1、Medical imaging is amain subject in current clinical medicine.(医学影像学是当前临床医学中的一个重要学科。)
2、Use Shallow Depth-of-Field Isolate a centerpiece or othermain subject with a shallow depth of field.(使用浅景深能分离餐桌摆饰和其它主体。)
3、Pathology is amain subject of medicine.(病理学是医学专业的主干学科。)
4、Your major is themain subject you choose to study in college.(你的专业是你在大学选择的主要学科。)
5、What tis themain subject of this writing?(这个作品的主题是什么?。)
6、Canon's E-TTL II even measures the distance to themain subject and that also becomes part of the evaluation taking place.(佳能的E-TTLII甚至可以测出相机和主要被摄对象间的距离并将此作为测光的考虑因素之一。)
7、main subject: material science and engineering.(主干学科:材料科学与工程。)
8、And competitive superiorities are themain subject of strategic management.(而竞争优势又是企业战略管理的主题。)
9、That poor ant is themain subject of our radio story.(可怜的蚂蚁是我们广播故事的主要人物。)
10、Further detailed information on normalization can be found in most books whosemain subject is relational databases.(在大多数以关系数据库为主题的书籍当中,都可以找到关于规范化的更详细的信息。)
11、I caught scraps of their conversation, from which I was able only too distinctly to infer themain subject discussed.(我只听到了片言只语,但我可以清楚地推断出她们讨论的主题。)
12、The matter concerns the individual with the society is themain subject of sociology.(个人与社会的关系是社会学的基本问题。)
13、The latter is themain subject.(后者是主要的主题。)
14、To turn aside, especially from themain subject in writing or speaking; stray.(离开主题远离,特别是指脱离写作或演说主题;跑题。)
15、This is the very first photograph that intentionally has a human as itsmain subject.(这是第一张以有意的人物为其主体的照片。)
16、Autobiography is themain subject in Life Studies.(自传成为《生活研究》的中心话题。)
17、Avoid including other elements that conflict with themain subject.(避免把与主题相悖的元素包含进来。) hao86.com
18、Forensic biology is amain subject of forensic medicine.(法医物证学是法医学专业的一门主干学科。)
19、It's a simple and easy path for the eye to follow to themain subject.(这是一种把视线指向主体简单又容易的途径。)
21、The lateralization of Chinese characters is amain subject in cognitive psychology.(汉字认知偏侧化是汉字认知心理学的一个重要课题。)
22、'Samadhi' is themain subject of the first part of Yoga Sutras called Samadhi-pada.(“三摩地”是瑜伽经第一部分的主要题目,叫做三摩地品。)
23、This article refers to the long history and wide connotation of natural medicine, themain subject of which is TCM.(本文扼要阐述了自然医学的悠久历史和广泛的学科内涵,传统中医药学是该领域的主要学科。)
24、The relationship between nature and human has been themain subject in China philosophy.(在中国哲学史上,天和人的关系一直是研究的最主要的课题。)
25、Themain subject of the design and implementation of a campus-based materials management system.(本课题主要设计并实现一套基于校园网的教材管理系统。)
26、Background: Area behind themain subject.(背景:主调后面的范围。)
27、Themain subject of this thesis is about DNA origami chip, which actually belongs to nanofabrication.(本课题的内容是开发一种新型的DNA折纸芯片,这其实也属于纳米排布的一种。)