


更新时间:2025-03-09 21:57:33



  • 1、To summarize all the research content mentioned above and indicate the problems to be solved further withlucubrate direction.(对全文的研究内容进行总结,并在此基础上提出有待进一步解决的问题与深入研究的方向。)
  • 2、The NN system in the model needlucubrate, and the result display, the model is effective, it can detect the intrusion action in lowly mistake rate.(模型中所使用的NN系统尚需进一步深入研究,但实验结果表明,该模型是有效的,能够以较低的错误率检测到入侵行为。)
  • 3、Fifthly, welucubrate the chaotic characteristic of the real hopping frequency codes and propose the chaotic model of hopping frequency codes.(深入研究了实际侦收到的跳频码的混沌特性,提出了跳频码的混沌模型。)
  • 4、And it is need tolucubrate how to combine the educational modules with the related courses organically.(今后仍需要进一步深入研究教学模块的实施手段及其与相关课程之间的有机结合。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 5、Thermal deformation error of Phased Array Antenna is one of the most primary factor that influent electrical performance of antenna, so it is very necessary tolucubrate.(相控阵天线的热变形误差是影响天线电性能的主要因素之一,因此有必要对其做深入研究。)
  • 6、Together welucubrate not afraid of difficulties, with parents expect water seriously set back top.(拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难,携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。)
  • 7、Bylucubrate, a new project of carry-home health monitoring system based on GPRS.(通过深入研究,本文提出一种新型的基于GPRS的便携式健康监测系统的实现方案。)
  • 8、In order to assist stock investors to make reasonable decision, it's required tolucubrate on association rules analysis.(为了辅助投资者对股票投资做出正确的决策,需要对股票时间序列进行详尽的关联规则分析。)
  • 9、lucubrate the precautions, common troubles and troubleshooting methods in correct use of electrician type apparatus for calibrating electric energy meter.(详细论述了正确使用电工式电能表检定装置时应注意的问题、常见故障及其排除方法。)
  • 10、The clinical signs are hypoglycemia, ketonemia, ketonuria, disperse, anorexia, ataxia, anaesthesia and final death. Tolucubrate the Pregnancy Toxemia of sheep.(临床主要表现为低血糖、酮血、酮尿、离群、厌食、运动失调、麻木、最后死亡。)
  • 11、The third partlucubrate the design of interpolation filter in the interference suppression algorithm.(第三部分研究了干扰抑制算法中的内插滤波器设计问题。)
  • 12、lucubrate the fundamental concept of product configuration, knowledge representation and knowledge reasoning.(深入研究了产品配置的基本原理、配置知识表达与推理策略。)
  • 13、But the research doesn'tlucubrate not only in musical form but also cultural conception in China.(然而,不论在音乐形态方面还是文化观念方面,国内对爵士乐的研究还远说不上深入。)
  • 14、We summarize all the achievements we accomplished, and expect how tolucubrate this problem.(总结了本课题所取得的成绩,并对课题进一步研究提出了展望。)
  • 15、In order to evaluate the vibration along railway correctly, it is necessary tolucubrate the dynamic response of ground bearing the moving loads of vehicle.(为了正确评价轨道沿线环境的振动,有必要深入研究列车荷载作用下地基土的动力响应。)
  • 16、Along with the academic research of quantum computer morelucubrate, the theory of quantum state Nonlocality becomes increasingly important, especially how to measure the magnitude of Nonlocality.(随着量子计算机研究的进一步深入,量子态非局域性理论日益重要,尤其是如何度量非局域性的大小。)
  • 17、Use the predominance of new programmable logic chip on digital signal domainlucubrate on the implement with FPGA of speech signal low bit rate coding.(本文利用新一代可编制逻辑器件在数字信号处理领域的优势,对语音信号低码率编码的FPGA实现进行了深入研究。)



英 ['lu:kju:breɪt] 美 [ˈlukjʊˌbret] 
过去式: lucubrated 过去分词: lucubrated 现在分词: lucubrating 第三人称单数: lucubrates
