


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:34:23



  • 1、I felt filled up withMichelangelo and a boy and bringing worlds together.(可我不介意,我感觉内心充溢着米开朗基罗的艺术和男朋友的温馨爱情,他们共同撑起了我的世界。)
  • 2、Michelangelo was appointed by the ruler of Florence, Italy, to build a snowman in his mansion's courtyard.(米开朗基罗被意大利佛罗伦萨的统治者任命,在他宅邸的庭院里堆雪人。)
  • 3、One is Leonardo da Vinci, famous at MIT because he was a great inventor as well as a great artist and sculptor. And the other isMichelangelo.(一个是达芬奇,在麻省理工很出名,因为他是伟大的发明家,艺术家,和雕塑家,另一个是米开朗琪罗。)
  • 4、The Sistine Chapel ceiling painted byMichelangelo.(西斯廷教堂的棚顶的绘画由米开朗基罗绘制。)
  • 5、Michelangelo, while working, had to lie on his back and paint.(米开朗基罗,而工作时,曾趴在他的背部及油漆。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 6、The drawings ofMichelangelo were recently exhibited in New York.(米开朗基罗的素描最近在纽约展出。)
  • 7、Julia: I saw works fromMichelangelo, Bernini, da Vinci and many more but I can't remember their names.(朱莉娅:我观赏了米开朗琪罗、伯恩·尼尼、达芬奇和其他很多我记不住名字的艺术家的作品。)
  • 8、Painstakingly he taught himself chariot-racing, sketching (forMichelangelo) and long tracts of the Old Testament.(他硬着头皮去学习驾驶战车,素描(扮演米开朗基罗),还有旧约中的长衫打扮。)
  • 9、Hwang said his favorite was the birthday series honoringMichelangelo, Picasso, Van Gogh and other famous artists.(Hwang提到他很喜欢的是纪念米开朗基罗、毕加索、梵高和其他一些著名艺术家生日的系列标志。)
  • 10、To be honest, if it is a genuineMichelangelo drawing, it will sell for millions of pounds.(老实说,如果这真的是米开朗基罗的画,它将价值数百万英镑。)
  • 11、Just asMichelangelo created art for a purpose, we create software for a purpose — usually for a paying customer.(正如米开朗基罗为了某种目的而进行创作一样,我们也是有目的的开发软件——通常是为某个支付报酬的用户来设计。)
  • 12、Michelangelo said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.(米开朗基罗说过“我在一块大理石中看到了一位天使,我不停地雕刻直到我将它释放。”)
  • 13、You have to assume that whatever inborn ability Leonardo andMichelangelo had, there were people born in Milan with just as much.(而且我们也不得不假定,无论达芬奇和米开朗基罗具有什么样的天赋才能,同时出生在米兰的人中,一定也有同样天赋的。)
  • 14、Figure 1: The dome at St. Peter's Basilica, designed byMichelangelo.(图一:米开朗基罗设计的圣彼得大教堂圆屋顶。)
  • 15、It felt weird, like pining for root-canal treatment, and it happened right here in the city ofMichelangelo.(这感觉是怪异的,就像居然有人渴望牙根管治疗一样,而且就发生在这儿,米开朗琪罗的城市。)
  • 16、Throughout the ages, many great artists, includingMichelangelo, created art on commission.(历史上许多艺术家,包括米开朗基罗,都是在别人的委托下进行艺术创作的。)
  • 17、The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but we aim too low and reach it. ~Michelangelo.(对大部分人来说,最大的危险并不是好高骛远而错失良机,而是鼠目寸光而得愿以偿。~米开朗琪罗。)
  • 18、For centuries, the way tobecome a Florentinesculptor has been to copyMichelangelo, to learn from themaster.(几个世纪以来,成为佛罗伦萨雕刻家的办法就是模仿米开朗基罗,像大师学习。)
  • 19、Michelangelo is quoted as saying that he did his David and other works simply by carving away everything that wasn't the statue.(米开朗基罗曾说过,在雕刻《大卫》和其他艺术品时,他不过是剔除与作品无关的东西。)
  • 20、He was just trying to paint well; he couldn't help painting likeMichelangelo.(他只是想画好,他无法画得不像米开朗基罗。)
  • 21、Michelangelo MERISI, called Caravaggio, died in Porto Ercole on the Tuscan coast on July 18th or 19th 1610.(1610年7月18日,米开朗基罗·梅里西·卡拉瓦乔在托斯卡尼海岸的埃尔·科莱港逝去。)
  • 22、Murals at this time were still painted indoors, with essentially the same fresco techniques thatMichelangelo had used.(那时候的壁画还是在室内创作,所使用的绘画方法也基本上同米开朗基罗当年所用的一样。)
  • 23、Michelangelo was not trying to paint likeMichelangelo.(米开朗基罗不是要像米开朗基罗那样的画。)
  • 24、"Pope gets to live in the Vatican, seeMichelangelo all the time," I say.(“教皇准备住在梵蒂冈,整天看着米开朗基罗,”我说。)
  • 25、Michelangelo, you know a lot about him.(关于米开朗基罗,你知道很多。)
  • 26、Confident that his art would endure,Michelangelo replied that a thousand years from then, no one would know the difference.(米开朗基罗自信的认为他的作品能够长久,他回答说:一千多年以后,不会有人能够看出其中的区别了。)



