2、Thus, risingmicrowave sales could be seen as a positive thing.(因此,微波炉销售额的增长可以看作是一件好事。)
3、Look at our newmicrowave.(看看我们的新微波炉。)
4、There were no air stewards in machinery space, either. They'd been replaced by a stocked refrigerator, a coffeemaker, and amicrowave oven.(机舱里也没有乘务员,替代他们的是一个储存冰箱、一台咖啡机和一只微波炉。)
5、Nevermicrowave a whole egg without pricking the yolk with a toothpick to break the outer membrane.(用微波炉加热整个鸡蛋时,一定要用牙签把蛋黄刺破。)
6、He put the sagging box in themicrowave and nuked it.(他将那个变得松软的盒子放入微波炉烹饪。)
7、If amicrowave oven is not an option, gas ovens are generally less carbon-intensive than electric.(除了微波炉之外,煤气灶的碳强度通常来说也比电炉低。) Hao86.com
8、She has amicrowave, but uses it mainly for defrosting bread.(她有一台微波炉,但是主要用于解冻面包。)
9、Here's a tip when youmicrowave old rice: sprinkle a little water on it before you put it in themicrowave.(当你微波炉加热剩饭时,有个小窍门:在放入微波炉之前撒点水在上面。)
10、Our Clark family method, pioneered by my father, uses amicrowave oven.(我们克拉克家族的方法,由我父亲首创,使用微波炉。)
11、If the robot is unsure whether an animal is suitable for themicrowave, it has the opportunity to stop, sent out beeps, and ask for directions from a human.(如果机器人不确定一种动物是否适合使用微波炉,它有机会停下来,发出嘟嘟声,并向人类寻求指示。)
12、I'll put some popcorn in themicrowave.(我要往微波炉里放些爆米花。)
13、With the exception of using a smallmicrowave oven to heat food, students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.(除了使用小型微波炉加热食物之外,不允许学生在房间里做饭。)
14、They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will become as common as the blender ormicrowave.(他们希望3D打印机在厨房能像搅拌机和微波炉一样普遍。)
15、There is amicrowave on sale!(这有一台微波炉出售。)
16、How about themicrowave?(微波炉呢?)
17、You call itmicrowave.(你管它叫微波炉。)
18、Themicrowave will bleep when your meal is ready.(烹调结束时,微波炉会发出哔哔的声音。)
19、Who needs amicrowave?(谁需要微波炉?)
20、Themicrowave beeps to let you know when it has finished.(微波炉烹饪完毕时会发出哔哔声提醒你。)
21、I need to buy a newmicrowave.(我需要买一个新的微波炉。)
22、UHECRs tend to collide with photons of the cosmicmicrowave background—pervasive radiation that is a relic of the early universe.(UHECRs往往会与宇宙微波背景中的光子相撞,这种辐射是早期宇宙的遗迹,无处不在。)
23、Themicrowave is used to prepare his lunch.(他用微波炉准备了午餐。)
24、Please do not heat it bymicrowave.(请勿用微波炉直接加热。)
25、You didn'tmicrowave that, did you?(你没有用微波炉,对吧?)
26、Amicrowave is a good investment.(微波炉值得买。)
27、Many fine cooks consistently produce wonderful meals without ever using a food processor, blender,microwave, juicer or even a coffee maker.(许多优秀的厨师不用食品加工器、搅拌机、微波炉、榨汁机甚至咖啡机就能做出美味的饭菜。)
28、Like many of today's great inventions, themicrowave oven was a by-product of another technology.(就像今天很多伟大的发明一样,微波炉也是其它技术的副产品。)
29、Themicrowave oven had reached a new level of acceptance, particularly with regard to certain industrial applications.(对微波炉的认可达到新的高度,在某些工业应用方面更是如此。)