2、She did not get the job because she just did notmeasure up.(她没得到那份工作,因为她正巧不合标准。)
3、Oh, I hope it canmeasure up to you, right?(不对,应该说我那玩意能让你满足,对吧?)
4、Last year's intake just didn'tmeasure up.(去年纳入的人数没有达到预期的要求。)
5、You will have this job if youmeasure up.(倘若试用合格,你将获得这份工作。)
6、Do all you can to show your love and your ability tomeasure up to what this person wants.(尽自己能做的一切向对方表达爱意和表示你能达到对方的要求。)
7、How did he expect anyone tomeasure up to this?(他怎么指望有人达到这个标准的呢?)
8、But the suitor must alsomeasure up in character and honor and local reputation.(但求婚者还必须在品格、信用以及在当地的声誉上符合要求。)
9、All building materials mustmeasure up to government standard.(所有的建筑材料必须达到国家制定的标准。)
10、That those feelings that you have, that you don'tmeasure up.(会有遇到困难的感觉,因为你没有达到要求。) (hao86.com好工具)
11、So how does your shampoomeasure up?(好了,现在如何来衡量你的香波呢?)
12、After all its merits, the alloy does notmeasure up to the requirements.(这种合金尽管有许多优点,但还是不符合要求。)
13、The job failed tomeasure up to her expectations.(这项工作没有满足她的期望。)
14、How does your shampoomeasure up?(你的洗发水合格吗?)
15、We are confident you will find EGL tomeasure up very well in all those areas against any major competing solution.(我们确信,你会发现对任何主要的竞争的方案来说,EGL在所有这些方面都符合的很好。)
16、Even these larger stores do notmeasure up to Publix.(即使是这些大型商场也未能同Publix较量。)
17、Take a little time tomeasure up your chance before deciding.(做出决定前花点时间估量一下你的机会如何。)
18、How do you feel that Imeasure up to your requirements for this position?(你怎么觉得我适合这份工作呢?)
19、How do the candidatesmeasure up?(候选人要怎样去满足选民的要求呢?)
20、How do the implementations and the specificationsmeasure up to each other?(实现和规范如何相互符合呢?)
21、If she doesn'tmeasure up to your ideal girl, then tease her about it.(如果她不符合你理想对象的标准,那么就以此为话题和她开个小玩笑。)
22、It was fatiguing sometimes to try tomeasure up to her standard of perfection.(力求达到她的完美标准,有时是很累人的。)
23、Graphic: How the Giantsmeasure up.(图片:巨人是如何筑成的?)
24、How does your booking experiencemeasure up?(然而你的酒店预订体验如何?)
25、Newspapers were inundated with letters today from concerned readers who worried that they wouldn'tmeasure up.(今天,各家报社已被那些担心自己尺寸不达标的读者信件所淹没。)
26、Take a little time tomeasure up your chances before deciding.(在决定之前花点时间估计一下你有几分把握。)