
更新时间:2024-08-27 23:34:45



  • 1、The fifth rule about Projectmayhem is you have to trust Tyler.(“大混乱行动”的第五条规矩是你必须信任泰勒。)
  • 2、These looters aren’t causingmayhem because they’re poor.(这些打劫者的行为没有构成故意伤害罪,因为他们贫穷。)
  • 3、But if the peacekeepers were to leave in a hurry, Congo could descend again intomayhem.(但是,如果维和人员离开匆忙,刚果可能再次面临混乱局势。)
  • 4、Right now, I can imagine him calling some Projectmayhem headquarters and reporting my whereabouts.(现在,我可以想象他向大混乱计划指挥部汇报我的行踪。)
  • 5、Conversely, the will tomayhem weakens: nobody has ever worried about a Long Hot Autumn.(而相反,戕害的愿望更弱:谁也不会担心有一个漫长而炎热的秋天。)
  • 6、I ask, is tonight part of his homework for Projectmayhem?(我问,今夜是他大混乱行动上留的家庭作业么?)
  • 7、The rule in Projectmayhem is you have to trust Tyler.(大混乱行动的规矩,你必须相信泰勒。)
  • 8、David Kabiller of AQR says that his firm's mutual funds are not merely a reaction to marketmayhem.(AQR的戴维-卡比勒认为自己公司的共同基金不仅是市场混乱的反应。)
  • 9、Projectmayhem was my idea.(大混乱计划是我的主意。)
  • 10、On your modelmayhem page, you say that you're modeling as a means of self-expression.(在你的重度模特伤害罪网页上你说你做模特是一种自我表达方式。)
  • 11、Everybody on Projectmayhem wants to know what's next.(大混乱行动的每一个人都希望知道接下来会怎么样。)
  • 12、He is forty-eight years old, and he was part of Projectmayhem.(他四十八岁,他曾是大混乱计划的一部分。)
  • 13、Teams of Projectmayhem guys render fat all day.(大混乱计划的各个小队总是在不停的提炼脂肪。)
  • 14、Sadly, the previous manager didn’t understand this andmayhem ensued.(不幸的是,对此种处境先前的经理并未理解,于是灾难接踵而来。)
  • 15、Projectmayhem will force humanity to go dormant or into remission long enough for the Earth to recover.(“大混乱行动”将迫使人类文明休眠好让地球有足够的时间恢复。)
  • 16、The third rule in Projectmayhem is no excuses.(大混乱行动第三条规矩就是不要找借口。)
  • 17、With monetarymayhem now retreating into memory, European countries can breathe a collective sigh of relief.(随着金融混乱已成往事,欧洲国家全都可以松口气了。)
  • 18、And the conspiracy was by no means limited to the officers who took part in themayhem.(并且这样的阴谋绝不局限于参与故意伤害他人的警官。) (好工具
  • 19、It's part of Projectmayhem.(这都是计划的一部分。)
  • 20、Themayhem spread to other parts of the city.(这种故意伤害行为传染到城市的其他部分。)
  • 21、Their arrival causedmayhem as crowds of refugees rushed towards them.(他们的到来引起了混乱,一群群难民冲向他们。)
  • 22、The sober language contrasted sharply with themayhem it provoked.(发人深省的语言与其引发的混乱形成了鲜明的对比。)
  • 23、Everyone in fight club and Projectmayhem knew me as Tyler burden.(搏击俱乐部和大混乱计划的所有人都认为我是泰勒歌顿。)
  • 24、mayhem! was first released as a three-issue mini-series earlier last month.(上月月初的时候《伤残》曾以三集系列短剧的形式首次推出。)
  • 25、Experts fear themayhem may soon trigger a chain reaction within the eurozone itself.(专家们担心,这场混乱可能很快在欧元区内触发连锁反应。)
  • 26、Amid suchmayhem, it is hard to imagine that things may get worse. But they may.(在这大混乱中,很难想象的是局势有可能变得更加恶化,但是事实的确如此。)
  • 27、Themayhem unfolds on one of the most bewitching stretches of scenery on all the earth.(在这混乱不堪的事故现场旁边却是世界上最夺人心魄的公路风光。)



英 [ˈmeɪhem] 美 [ˈmeˌhɛm] 
