1、The speaker had a really noble voice, which he couldmodulate with great skill.(这位演说者有副相当好的嗓子,他能很技巧地调整它。)
2、Varying the amount of pressure accurately positions the stem assembly to open, close ormodulate the valve as required.(压力的变化将精确定位阀杆总成,使得阀门实现所要求的启、闭或调节的操作。)
3、They said: "This pilot study suggests that dietary intake of watercress may be sufficient tomodulate this potential anti-cancer pathway."(他们说:“试点研究表明,食用豆瓣菜足以调节这一潜在的抗癌途径。”) Hao86.com
4、Emotions may absolutely dictate a type of response, but people domodulate the size of that response (usually!).(情绪必然会促发某种响应,但人们会适时调整反应的烈度(而且一贯如此)。)
5、Wemodulate as much as possible the chaos of these times on the Earth.(我们尽最大可能调控着这段时间地球上的混乱。)
6、The outstanding features of this plan lie in the programmablemodulate mode,modulate rate, IF rate and so on.(该方案的显著特点是:调制方式、调制速率、中频频率皆可编程设置。)
7、Also it canmodulate measured data and perform remote transmission via carrier line and telephone wire.(对测量的数据进行调制,通过载波线路或电话线进行远距离传输。)
8、This book addresses the interactions and interrelationships between tumor and host thatmodulate progression and metastasis.(这书位址那些相互作用和相互关系在之间瘤和调节前进和新陈代谢的主人。)
9、Does the drive system have to control ormodulate the amount of retarding force during overhauling?(驱动系统控制或必须调整相当数量减速的强制在翻修期间吗?)
10、This text has offered helpful help for making the hardware whichmodulate demodulation technology up to realize further.(本文为进一步进行组合调制解调技术的硬件实现提供了有益的帮助。)
11、He won’t fix a blame for failure on something or someone, but willmodulate himself to rectify the situation.(他不会为失败而责备其他人和事,而是调整自己去改变处境。)
12、She is able tomodulate and manage her emotional life in a dramatically better way.(她能够以一种更好的,迅速的方式调整和管理她的情感生活。)
13、"Hormones canmodulate gene expression and, during stress, you have very high levels of stress hormone," Dr. Loria said.(“激素能够在遭受压力期间调制基因表达,而你同时又拥有非常高水平的压力激素,”洛里亚博士说。)
14、“Bits of eight” shrank to become byte, “modulate/demodulate” became modem, “picture cell” became pixel, and of course “web log” became blog.(如“八位字节”缩短成“比特”,“图片的每个色素点”缩短为“像素”,当然还有“网络日志”现在被大家叫做“博客”。)
15、Whether local autocrine and paracrine factors within target organs such as the heartmodulate AMPK is unknown.(现尚未清楚是否是由心脏等靶器官内的局部自分泌和旁分泌因子调控AMPK。)
16、Whether any additional components in beer or wine wouldmodulate the effect of the pure alcohol is something that I cannot tell for sure.(是否有啤酒或葡萄酒的其它成分会调节纯酒精的效应,我不能很明确的回答这个问题。)
17、Life's errors cry for the merciful beauty that canmodulate their isolation into a harmony with the whole.(很多生命之错泣求着慈悲之美调和它的孤寂,以实现与整体和谐统一。)
18、The kinds and levels of endogenous hormonesmodulate the differentiation of callus.(内源激素的种类和水平调控着愈伤组织的分化。)
19、A Transform operator can be used tomodulate the result of the ForEach operation.(可以使用Transform操作符来调节ForEach操作的结果。)
20、The South East, South West and West facades will be equipped with terracotta louvers tomodulate the light in the offices and lobby.(建筑的东南、西南和西立面将设置赤褐色百叶窗以调节办公室和休息室室内的光线。)
21、We started wondering, 'Is it possible that the twomodulate each other?(我们开始想,'这两者有没有可能彼此调节?)
22、It mainly contains the digitalmodulate system, the SS communication theory and the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) system.(主要是数字调制系统、扩展频谱通信原理和直接序列扩频系统等内容。)
23、The enzyme PDE5 is known tomodulate platelet activity.(已知pde5酶能调节血小板活性。)
24、It solves the problem ofmodulate and demodulation of differential signal and achieve data and power signal communication in coaxial-cable.(该模块解决了对差分信号“调制”、“解调”问题,实现了数据和电源在同轴电缆上的同步传输。)
25、These chemicalsmodulate the effect of potassium.(这些化合物可以调节钾的功效。)
26、If you canmodulate it with a few simple perturbations, that's the definition of a program.(我们能施加一些简单的干预,从而对它进行调节——这就是程序。)
27、Background and objective: Many genesmodulate the neuronal apoptosis following ischemia brain damage.(背景与目的脑缺血损伤后细胞凋亡受诸多基因调控。)
28、A pressure controller is employed tomodulate speed of regulating pressure fan in a PID control mode.(利用一个压力控制器,采用PID控制方法对调压风机进行变频控制。)