
My goodness造句

My goodness造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:33:28


My goodness造句

  • 1、Country Mouse:My goodness!(乡下老鼠:我的老天!)
  • 2、My goodness, I hadn't noticed it was so late!(我的天,我还没注意到已经这么晚了!)
  • 3、"My goodness!" the Pelgrin woman said.(“我的天哪!”那个佩尔格林女人说。)
  • 4、OhMy goodness! You scared me!(哦,我的天哪!你吓我一跳!)
  • 5、Oh,My goodness! What made her do that?(我的天!她怎么会那样干呢?)
  • 6、OhMy goodness! The woman has a fox around her neck!(我的天啊!那位女士的脖子上围了一只狐狸!)
  • 7、A:My goodness, the sound of disc is so bad.(天啊!音响的音效好差。)
  • 8、OhMy goodness. What's in there?(天啊,都有什么东西在里面。)
  • 9、I judge him on his game play and,My goodness, what a gem he is.(我只用他的比赛来评价他,哦,我的天哪,他真是个瑰宝!)
  • 10、Mrs Boffin:My goodness Professor Boffin!(伯菲太太:天哪,伯菲教授!)
  • 11、But,My goodness, it takes courage.(但是,天啊,这的确需要勇气。)
  • 12、Tom turned a short curve, by-and-by, and exclaimed: "My goodness, Huck, lookyhere!"(过了一会儿,汤姆进了一段弧形通道,大声喊道:“我的天哪,哈克,你看!”)
  • 13、"Oh!My goodness!" said Mom.(“喔!我的天哪!”妈妈说。)
  • 14、My goodness, it's really expensive.(好家伙,这真贵呀!)
  • 15、My goodness, you crossed the double yellow line!(我的天啊,你越过了双黄线!)
  • 16、My goodness, I wish I was out of this!(我的天哪,我真希望我不在这里!)
  • 17、Oh,My goodness! Are you OK?(哦我的天呀你没事吧?。)
  • 18、What do you want OhMy goodness!(你要什么噢,我的天啊!)
  • 19、My goodness, the service in the restaurant is really terrible, a lot worse than before.(天哪,这家餐厅的服务真是糟糕透了,比以前糟多了。)
  • 20、My goodness, you have been busy!(天哪,你一直在忙!)
  • 21、I am afraid ofMy goodness. I am afraid of being my physical best.(我害怕自己的善良,害怕变成自己身体的最好朋友。)
  • 22、My goodness! You're kidding!(我的天啊!你在开玩笑吧!)
  • 23、My goodness! How can you live here?(我的天!你怎么能住在这里?)
  • 24、My goodness, what I can do?(我的上帝呀,我能做些什么?)
  • 25、My goodness!; Good Gracious!; Good heavens!(我的老天爷!)
  • 26、My goodness but the Modern Woman does like to complicate things.(天哪,现代女性真喜欢把事情复杂化。)
  • 27、Witherspoon: Oh,My goodness.(威瑟斯庞:哦,天哪。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 28、My goodness! It's still rotating!(我的天呢!,它还是在转!)

My goodness基本释义