
Mount Vesuvius造句

Mount Vesuvius造句

更新时间:2024-12-15 21:29:27


Mount Vesuvius造句

  • 1、It's many years sinceMount Vesuvius last erupted.(维苏威火山上一次喷发至今已有很多年了。)
  • 2、In 79 A. D. ,Mount Vesuvius blew its top, burying the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.(公元前79年,维苏威火山在它的顶部的爆发,掩埋了古老城市庞贝(Pompeii)和赫库兰尼姆(Herculaneum)。)
  • 3、In August of AD 79,Mount Vesuvius erupted.(公元79年八月,维苏威火山喷发了。)
  • 4、Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano.(维苏威火山是座活火山。)
  • 5、The 1908 Olympic Games originally were scheduled for Rome, but the eruption ofMount Vesuvius in 1906 caused them to be moved to London.(1908年第四届奥运会会址原本选在罗马,但是由于1906年维苏威火山爆发,会址临时被定在伦敦。)
  • 6、Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted for a good many years.(山维苏威火山很多年没有爆发的了。)
  • 7、Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A. D., destroying Pompeii.(公元79年维苏威火山爆发毁灭了庞贝城。)
  • 8、It was damaged by an earthquake in AD 63 and completely destroyed by the eruption ofMount Vesuvius in 79.(西元63年遭地震破坏,79年维苏威火山大爆发,该城完全被毁。)
  • 9、A popular resort during Roman times, it was completely destroyed by the eruption ofMount Vesuvius (a. d. 79).(罗马时代为颇受欢迎的旅游胜地,公元79年被维苏威火山喷发完全摧毁。)
  • 10、But without any warning,Mount Vesuvius roared to life.(然而,在没有任何预兆的情况下,维苏威火山咆哮着苏醒了。)
  • 11、Pompeii, a Unesco World Heritage Site, was destroyed by an eruption ofMount Vesuvius back in 79 AD.(庞贝古城被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,于公元79年因维苏威火山爆发而惨遭毁灭。)
  • 12、Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted for many years.(维苏威火山已有多年没有爆发了。)
  • 13、Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcanoMount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.(与赫库兰尼姆城一样,这座靠近那不勒斯的罗马城市也在维苏威火山灾难性的爆发中毁于一旦并长埋于地下,维苏威火山于公元79年8月24日爆发,持续了2天。)
  • 14、Another structure has collapsed today in Pompeii, raising new fears about the fate the ancient Roman town buried by the eruption ofMount Vesuvius in 79.(古代罗马城市曾在79年的维苏威火山大爆发被埋没。今天在庞贝古城另一个结构已经崩溃这令人们对这个城市的命运有了新担忧。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 15、We watched it rising from a mountain — at such distance we couldn't tell which one, but we afterwards learnt that it wasMount Vesuvius.(我们看着它从山上升腾起来---如此远的距离使我们分辨不出是哪座山,但后来我们得知是维苏威火山。)
  • 16、The plan was to have the 1908 Games in Rome, but in 1906 Italys notorious volcanoMount Vesuvius erupted, causing so much damage that the Games were moved to London.(1908年奥运会原本定在罗马举办,但是1906年意大利著名的维苏威火山的爆发给当地经济带来重创,以至于罗马不得放弃奥运主办权,而改由伦敦承办。)

Mount Vesuvius基本释义

Mount Vesuvius
