
muddle along造句

muddle along造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 21:55:12


muddle along造句

  • 1、People with plans generally do better than those who justmuddle along.(有计划的人通常来说比那些糊里糊涂混日子的人做得好。)
  • 2、To make long, not always aspire to. No ambition, oftenmuddle along, never grasped the chance of success, never.(人要立长志,不能常立志。没有远大志向的人,往往得过且过,永远也不能把握成功的契机,永远也不会有所作为。)
  • 3、Then, in this golden age of us, how do » Is yielding justmuddle along, or race against time pioneering Endeavour » I think that as long as the minds of some people who would choose the latter.(那么,处在这黄金时代的我们,该怎么办呢?是随波逐流,得过且过,还是争分夺秒开拓奋进?我想,只要稍有头脑的人,谁都会选择后者。)
  • 4、Wemuddle along from day to day.(我们一天天地混日子。)
  • 5、To improve the execution, must establish intense responsibility consciousness and the enterprising spirit, overcome stoutly unambitious,muddle along mentality.(要提高执行力,就必须树立起强烈的责任意识和进取精神,坚决克服不思进取、得过且过的心态。) hao86.com
  • 6、Most countriesmuddle along, turning a blind eye to those determined and rich enough to travel to Switzerland.(大多数国家对那些下定决心和前往瑞士丹尼·特斯富有的人视而不见。)
  • 7、For a long time, that will not want to leave,muddle along.(呆得时间长了,会觉得不想离开,得过且过。)
  • 8、Surely not the economy, which continues tomuddle along through the muck of heavy consumer debt and a poor housing market.(肯定不是继续在消费者债务和恶化的房地产市场的泥沼中艰难前行的经济。)
  • 9、However, those whomuddle along and do not have the least pressure will be tipped over by the storms in life just like a ship without any cargo in the stormy weather at sea.(而那些得过且过,没有一点压力,做一天和尚撞一天钟的人,像风暴中没有载货的船,往往一场人生的狂风巨浪便会把他们打翻。)
  • 10、Mortal past, but in the twinkling of an eye. The flowers bloom, day time rolls on,muddle along in the tranquil.(红尘过往,不过转眼之间。花开花落,春去秋来,日子总在波澜不惊中得过且过。)
  • 11、We humans cannot live like other animal tomuddle along without any aim, people must have a clear purpose and goal.(我们人类不能像其它动物一样浑浑噩噩地活着,人的行动必须有明确的目的和奋斗的目标。)
  • 12、" Until the cold weather to the depths of winter when it's feathers off, losing their leaves look like on the Like an eaglet on his own call and said: "muddle along (can go on so go on).(等到到了深冬天气严寒的时候,它的羽毛脱落,萧索的样子就像一只雏鸟,就自己鸣叫道:“得过且过(能过下去就这样过下去)。”)

muddle along基本释义

muddle along

英 [ˈmʌdl əˈlɔŋ] 美 [ˈmʌdl: əˈlɔŋ] 
混日子; 得过且过