1、Readers have long experienced the beautiful side of 1920s paris-the dome cafe, Shakespeare and Company, the bars of the Left bank-through amoveable Feast.(通过《流动的盛宴》,读者们早已经历了二十世纪二十年代巴黎美好的一面——圆顶咖啡厅、莎士比亚及其伙伴,还有左岸的酒吧。) hAo86.com
2、They are not an unchangeable concept but amoveable one with history.(绝不是一个恒定不变的概念,而是一个变动着的历史性概念。)
3、This will give us a new position for amoveable thumb.(这将为我们提供一个可移动的拇指新位置。)
4、Secure or move inside outdoor items such as toys, bicycles, furniture, plants and anythingmoveable on the balcony.(固定或收回屋外、阳台上的一切可移动物品,包括玩具、自行车、家具、植物等等。)
5、ALPHA VANE, a smallmoveable airfoil on the side of the fuselage transmitting airplane Angle relative to airstream for the stall warning system.(迎角叶片,位于机身侧的可动小翼面。为失速警告系统传输飞机对气流的相对角度。)
6、A sea urchin's long,moveable spines protect it from predators in the waters off Hawaii.(海胆长长的可以活动的棘突可以保护他们在夏威夷海岸不受捕食者捕食。)
7、For example, people commenting on a blog using themoveable Type platform will be able to login via Facebook Connect.(例如,人们在使用moveableType平台的博客上添加评论就可以使用Facebook的账号。)
8、Sales of goods or importation of goods (goods refers to tangiblemoveable goods).(销售或者进口的货物(货物是指有形动产)。)
9、Store space has been divided into two spaces:moveable front, and fixed, solid back.(店铺空间分为两个部分:可移动的前部和固定的后部。)
10、More than a reappraisal of Pauline, the restored version of amoveable Feast is an illustration of the torture Hemingway felt over loving two women at once.(恢复版的《流动的盛宴》更多地列出了海明威同时爱着两个女人的苦闷感受,而非对宝琳的重新评价。)
11、The walls inside the museum aremoveable.(博物馆的内墙是可以移动的。)
12、Scribner recently published a “restored edition” of the author’s posthumous fictionalized memoir, Amoveable Feast.(斯克里布纳尔出版社最近出版了《流动的盛宴》“恢复版”,这是一本在作者死后出版的回忆录小说。)
13、AILERON, a hingedmoveable part on the trailing edge of each wing for airplane roll (wing up and wing down) control.(副翼,铰连在每个机翼后缘的可动部件,用于控制飞机的滚转(机翼向上和向下)。)
14、Use this value when you want to have almost exact occlusion culling on yourmoveable objects. Note: this setting takes a lot of time to calculate.(使用这个值,当你想在可移动的物体上得到几乎确切的遮挡剔除。注意:这个设定需要大量的时间来计算。)
15、Except for the first column in the tree layout, all of the columns aremoveable.(除了树型布局的第一列外,其余列都是可以拖动的。)
16、CONTROL SURFACE,moveable panels on wings and tail for movement of airplane on pitch, roll and yaw axes.(操纵面,机翼和机尾上的可动面板,用以操纵飞机俯仰,坡度,和偏航运动。)
17、The bridge pioneered the use of amoveable safety net that saved the lives of 19 construction workers over the course of the bridge's manufacture.(大桥倡导使用可移动安全网,该网在大桥建造过程中挽救了19名建筑工人的生命。)
18、Amoveable machine does the test.(是一种便携式检测仪器。)
19、The design studio is set up like a workshop, withmoveable tables and carts.(设计工作室设置像一个车间,有可移动的桌子和推车。)
20、The designers have successfully built J6 into amoveable home full of freedom and comfort.(设计师成功的将解放J6营造成自由而舒适的移动之家。)
21、BALANCE TAB, a small hingedmoveable part on the trailing edge of a control surface (aileron, elevator, rudder).(随动补偿片,铰接在操纵面后缘(副翼,方向舵,升降舵)的可动部。)
22、The device resembles a breathalyser, with amoveable plastic straw attached to a motorised box.(这种设备有点像酒精测试器,有个可移动的塑料吸管,附加在一个动力盒子上。)
23、A hingedmoveable part on the trailing edge of each wing for airplane roll (wing up and wing down) control.(铰连在每个机翼后缘的可动部件,用于控制飞机的滚转(机翼向上和向下)。)
24、A flap can be amoveable tissue connected to the body.(副翼可以是一片与主体相连接的、可移动的部分。)
25、ELEVATOR, a hingedmoveable part on the trailing edge of the horizontal stabilizer for airplane pitch (nose up and nose down) control.(升降舵,铰连在水平安定面后缘上的可动部件。用以操纵飞机的俯仰运动(机头朝上及朝下)。)
26、The Ideal Business is portable or easilymoveable. This means you can take your business and yourself anywhere you want to.(理想生意具有很大的灵活性,你可以在任何你喜欢的地方开展业务。)
27、Printing withmoveable type on paper dramatically reduced the cost of producing a book compared with the old-fashioned ones handwritten on vellum, which comes from sheepskin.(羊皮纸是用羊皮制作的,与在羊皮纸上手写的老式方法相比,在纸上进行活字印刷大大降低了生产书籍的成本。)