1、In addition, ministries control special funds of their own, so the cabinet'shold over the national purse strings is weak.(另外,各省控制着自己部门的特别基金,因此内阁对全国财权的掌控力非常弱。)
2、The thoughts arose as from a vacuum, unprovoked, and persisted in their senselesshold over my mind.(那些想法仿佛毫无缘故地就从真空中升起,持续占据着我的头脑;)
3、As the heavens open, the canopy offers scant protection from the downpour, so the orangutans tear leaves off the trees to make pathetic little umbrellas tohold over their heads.(随着天幕大开,倾盆大雨顿时一泻如注,树冠的余荫不足以提供足够的庇护,猩猩们折断树枝做成小得可怜的雨伞,在风雨中擎在头顶。)
4、Rebel forces hold sway over much of the island.(该岛很大一部分控制在叛军手里。)
5、He managed to hold a lead of two seconds over his closest rival.(他比跟得最紧的对手勉强领先两秒钟。)
6、There is a time to admire the grace and persuasive power of an influential idea, and there is a time to fear itshold over us.(有时候我们惊叹于一种思想观念的完美以及它的强大的说服力,同时我们害怕被这种思想观念所控制。)
7、By most important, we mean those decisions that provide the overall architecture with a structure that will hold up best over time.(最重要的是,我们指的是使用某种结构(在很长一段时间内保持有效的)提供整体体系结构的那些决策。)
8、We must try to understand and respect the power that groupshold over us so that we can benefit from them rather than becoming their victims.(我们必须尽力理解并尊重群体加诸于我们身上的能量,以从中获益而不是成为他们的受害者。)
9、Grado is famous for their remarkable headphone and phono cartridge designs andhold over 48 patents.(歌德是著名的出色的耳机和唱机墨盒设计和拥有超过48项专利。)
10、If they resist, news of their courage will seep out and theirhold over the public will grow. If they crack, the movement may crack too.(如果他们能够抵抗,有关他们的勇气的新闻将会传出去被公众所知,这样他们的追随者将会增加,如果他们屈服了,那么运动也许也就结束了。) haO86.com
11、We'd like tohold over HUR to make further checks.(我们希望到HUR等待,做进一步检查。)
12、The support at 1.4310 shouldhold over the next week and a close below this level will signal the euro has peaked ahead of schedule.(支撑区1.4310于下周应该可以守住,当收盘低于此,则可视为欧元已经提前见顶的信号。)
13、It remains to be seen whether Conservative totems can exercise a similarly potenthold over the Canadian imagination.(保守党图腾能否对加拿大印象行使相应的控制权,还有待观察。)
14、"Yeah," said Neville happily. "Only thing was, once they realized they had nohold over me, they decided Hogwarts could do without me after all."(“是啊,”纳威高兴地说,“问题是,他们意识到威胁不了我,就决定霍格·沃茨可以不再有我这个人。”)
15、That simplification makes it easy to get started but won't hold up over time.(这一简化使开始编程变得很容易,但却不能一直持续下去。)
16、I can't spare a week, so instead, I help him unload fish from the hold of the Lauren Dorothy, a friend's boat, while music blares over the noise of the engine.(我一周也抽不出时间,只好帮他把鱼从朋友的小船劳伦·多萝西号的船舱里卸下来,与此同时,音乐声盖过了引擎的噪音。)
17、Powerful traditional chiefs hold sway over more than 15 million people in rural areas.(有权势的传统首领们统治着乡村地区的1500万人。)
18、These services are all building on the collaborative consumption trend that has takenhold over the last four years.(这项服务基于这些年产生的协作趋势的假设。)
19、The dark Ones would love to extend theirhold over you, and look to create the conditions in which that may be possible.(邪恶的存有总是试图凌驾于你,并且创造任何条件使其成为可能。)
20、However, there is one other fictional heavyweight who could challenge Harry Potter'shold over the Christmas audience.(除此之外,还有一部科幻巨片会与哈里·波特争夺圣诞档期的观众。)
21、He has a demonichold over his fighters but can expect no sympathy from elsewhere.(他魔力般地让其战士们为他卖命,但不用指望其他人也对他同情。)
22、MARRIAGE, and its many ups and downs, still exercises a powerfulhold over newspapers, magazines and the airwaves.(婚姻,及伴随结婚而来的起起伏伏仍是各大报纸,杂志及电视广播的宠儿。)
23、That is because European countries, whichhold over a third of the votes on the IMF's board, have rallied around a single contender: France's finance minister, Christine Lagarde.(由于在IMF董事会有三分之一投票权的欧洲国家已经联合起来支持他们的单一候选人:法国财长,克里斯蒂娜·拉加德(ChristineLagarde)。)
24、I knew well that he had my daughter in his hands, and he must hold it over me.(我清楚地知道,他手中有我的女儿,他一定会以此来威胁我的。)
25、People in competitive relationships are always looking for an advantage, the upper hand, some edge they canhold over their partner's head.(处在竞争关系中的人总是想要寻找自己的优势,占尽上风,尽握对方的把柄。)