更新时间:2025-03-09 22:03:31
home town造句
- 1、An IMPOSING theatre has stood on the Banks of the River Avon in William Shakespeare'shome town since 1879.(1879年以来,威廉·莎士比亚故乡的埃文河畔就一直屹立着一座壮丽恢宏的剧院。)
- 2、"Let me remind you," said Marianne, "that Milwaukee is also myhome town."(“让我提醒你,”玛丽安娜说,“密尔沃基也是我的家乡。”)
- 3、The child's father said the boy would be buried alongside his mother in herhome town of Mdiq, northern Morocco.(孩子的父亲说男孩将会和他的母亲一起埋在家乡Mdiq,Mdiq位于摩洛哥北部。)
- 4、Even if you've never been outside of yourhome town, say you've been anywhere.(即使你从没有远离过你的家乡,你也可以说你到过的任何地方。)
- 5、She felt that going back to live in herhome town would be a backward step.(她觉得回到家乡生活就是没出息。)
- 6、If you saw a 10 foot high mouse wandering around yourhome town, I am sure that you would remember it!(如果你在家乡看见一只高达10英尺的老鼠,在街上随处走动,我想你怎么也忘不了吧?)
- 7、Most of what remains pays their rent for a trailer in Watsonville, just outside Steinbeck’shome town of Salinas.(除去保姆费之后的钱,大部分要被用来支付汽车房的房租。特丽莎夫妇租住的汽车防在沃森维尔,就在斯坦贝克的家乡萨利纳斯的周边。)
- 8、Inevitably however, the day came when she was so weakened that she had to return to Pittsburgh, herhome town.(然而,不可避免的是,有一天,她变得如此虚弱,不得不回到她的家乡匹兹堡。)
- 9、But the misery of life back in theirhome town is never far away.(但是他们家乡的苦难生活却依然如故。)
- 10、Located on the Arctic Circle in northern Finland, Rovaniemi has long been regarded as thehome town of Santa Claus.(坐落于芬兰北部北极圈以内的罗瓦涅米乃是世界公认的圣诞老人的故乡。)
- 11、I moved to Segovia in Spain, my dad'shome town.(我搬去了我父亲的家乡,西班牙的Segovia。)
- 12、Milan was Mr. Craxi'shome town and his power base.(米兰既是克拉西先生的家乡,也是他的权力基础。)
- 13、Moreover, globalisation has meant that the financiers' ties to a "home town" are not as clear as they once were.(更何况,全球化的背景下,金融家与所谓“家乡”的关联已经不像以前那样清晰了。)
- 14、Hoboken is most famous as thehome town of singer Frank Sinatra.(作为歌手弗兰克·西纳特拉(FrankSinatra)的家乡,霍波肯市是这里最有名的城市。)
- 15、Myhome town might've held 2,000 residents.(我的家乡有2000居民。)
- 16、Many new factories have sprung up in myhome town.(我的家乡建了许多工厂。)
- 17、The height exhilarates me.I am enjoying with myhome town views.(高度让我兴奋,我喜欢站在高处欣赏我的家乡。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 18、Dan Wellman lives with his wife and children in hishome town of Southampton on the south coast of England.(DanWellman和他的妻儿生活在他们位于英国南海岸南安普敦的家乡。)
- 19、You can do this in yourhome town.(在自己的家乡你就能做到这些。)
- 20、The port of Sirte, close to the colonel’shome town, was said to be in the hands of his foes.(而且,据说据卡扎菲老家很近的Sirte港已经落于其敌人之手。)
- 21、As a musician I owe much to the radio station in myhome town.(作为一名音乐家,我非常感激我家乡的广播电台。)
- 22、On the day we left our oldhome town, we had a going away lunch with our friends from church.(离开老家的那天,我们和教友一起吃了饯行午餐。)
- 23、Think of Bill Clinton illustrating any point with one of hishome town analogies.(想想比尔·克林顿讲解任何观点都能拿他的家乡事物来类比。)
- 24、Toronto is Michelle'shome town.(多伦多是Michelle的故乡。)
- 25、The president travelled by rail to hishome town.(总统乘火车回到了家乡。)