更新时间:2025-03-02 20:56:34
hook up造句
- 1、You used REST and JSON on the front end, meaning you can use a different UI kit, or you can easilyhook up a mobile client.(在前台使用REST和JSON,这意味着可以使用不同的UI套件,或者可以轻松连接上移动客户端。)
- 2、Finding love is hard enough; the last thing you want to do ishook up with someone who may cheat on you someday.(找到爱情就够困难了,而最不堪的事情,是有朝一日发现跟自己交往的人是个骗子。)
- 3、Many coupleshook up at work.(很多情侣在工作中走到一起。)
- 4、These are used by the Interface Builder tohook up the interface elements to this controller class.(它们由InterfaceBuilder用来将界面元素连接到这个控制器类。)
- 5、Then, I couldhook up another ambulance and a taxicab, a police car, a fire truck.(接着我可以联接另一辆救护车和出租车,警车和消防车。)
- 6、I hope you can send a man tohook up my telephone soon.(我希望你能快点派人来安装好我的电话机。)
- 7、It is easy to set up: simplyhook up infra-red laser transceivers on top of two buildings and then align them.(便易安装:将两座建筑顶端的红外线激光收发器简单地连接起来,然后将它们调整成行即可。)
- 8、Teens whohook up also were at greater risk of being suspended or expelled and had lower odds of expecting to go to college.(沉迷其中的少男少女还将面临更大的风险,会被停课或开除,降低了上大学的可能。)
- 9、The plan, orchestrated by our friends, was for the two of us tohook up.(最初这是朋友们策划的一个让我们开始交往的计划。)
- 10、If you really want Web pages and Web video clips on your TV, justhook up a PC or a Mac.(如果你真的想在电视上看网络页面或视频,把电视连上PC或MAC就好了。)
- 11、I couldhook up another ambulance, a taxicab, a police car and a fire truck.(我可以连接另一辆救护车,一辆出租车,一辆警车和一辆消防车。)
- 12、The team willhook up a series of micro-arrays implanted in the brain to record and transmit signals to the artificial limb.(该研究小组将连接植入大脑的一系列微阵列,记录并向人造肢体传输信号。)
- 13、Being casual and nonchalant is always important when trying to gethook up with girls.(当你把妹的时候,随意和从容不迫(Beingcasualandnonchalant)总是很重要的。)
- 14、Most of themhook up.(他们大多数互相勾搭。)
- 15、The sites below will help youhook up with a native speaker — usually over VoIP — to practice speaking.(下面介绍的这些站点能帮助你认识母语使用者,并通过VoIP练习口语。)
- 16、hook up your computer to the Internet and you are on your information superhighway.(只需将你的电脑连接到国际互联网,你就会在信息高速公路上驰骋。)
- 17、Today, parents are relieved if their daughtershook up with only one partner.(今天,如果自己的女儿只和一个伴侣交往,父母们就会觉得宽慰。)
- 18、Their software doesn't alwayshook up to the hotel's system.(他们的软件并不总是和酒店的系统相连接。)
- 19、We take Johns' brain, we put it in Smith's torsel wehook up all the wires as it were,? The thing wakes up, who is that?(把约翰斯的大脑放进史密斯的躯干,再把各个部位按原样连接好,它醒了,它是谁?)
- 20、Naturally, this flick raises the age-old question: can two friends reallyhook up without things getting messy?(自然,这部电影引发了一个古老的问题:两个异性普通朋友真的能偶尔“勾搭一下”而不会把事情搞糟吗?) [hao86.com好工具]
- 21、As I was saying, Virgos are friendly and like tohook up with people.(就像我所说的,处女座很友善,喜于和其他人混在一起。)
- 22、Justhook up both battery leads to a cute kitten until it stops moving.(只要把连个电池接在一个可爱的玩具动物上,直到它不动为止。)
- 23、Alternatively, you couldhook up your laptop or smartphone to the mini projector and the run the presentation that way.(另外,你可以把自己的笔记本电脑或智能手机连上投影仪,然后以那样的方式运行演示。)
- 24、I could be about tohook up with this incredibly intelligent, beautiful girl.(我可能就要与那个聪明绝顶的美女相恋。)
- 25、You can use this application as a starting point andhook up your own PHP classes to the code.(您可以使用该应用程序作为起点,并且添加自己的php类到代码中。)
- 26、"Colleges are reluctant to address some of the dark side ofhook up culture," she said.(“校方不愿谈及逢场作戏文化的阴暗面。”她说。)
hook up
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