


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:40:37



  • 1、In the western art history, theimpressionism and 18th French painting are all belong to the ranges of those most impressive ages' arts.(在西方艺术史上,印象派与18世纪法国绘画都属于那些最为令人难忘的时代。)
  • 2、The art of literaryimpressionism has great similarities with that of artisticimpressionism.(印象主义文学艺术与印象主义绘画艺术既有相通之处,又有自身的特点。)
  • 3、impressionism is concerned with effect of light on a subject.(印象派涉及学科的光的影响。)
  • 4、Think Pop Art,impressionism or Abstract Expressionism but swap canvas for sugar and seriousness for a sense of contagious enthusiasm.(思考的是流行艺术,印象派和抽象主义,不过却将油画换做糖果,将艺术的严谨换做创作的极富感染力的热情。)
  • 5、Manet is a painter ofimpressionism.(莫奈是印象派画家。)
  • 6、And why isimpressionism, a 19th-century phenomenon, still so appealing in the 21st?(又为何印象派,是19世纪的现象,仍是如此,在21吸引力?)
  • 7、Vincent Van Gogh was a painting master of laterimpressionism.(文森特·凡高是后期印象主义绘画大师。)
  • 8、impressionism was followed by exercises in neo-impressionist patterned color and then by excursions into the greater freedom of fauvism.(继印象主义之后,使他用新印象主义的图案结构的色彩,而后又涉猎于更加自由奔放的野兽派的领域。)
  • 9、ABSTRACT: Do you wonder what the delicious wines look like from the perspective of masters ofimpressionism?(摘要:在印象派大师们的画中,美味的葡萄酒是什么样?)
  • 10、Monet is a greatimpressionism artist.(莫奈是一位了不起的印象派艺术家。)
  • 11、Van Gogh was undoubtedly influenced by theimpressionism that swept the city's art world.(梵高显然深受当时袭卷巴黎艺坛的印象派画风影响。)
  • 12、I learned aboutimpressionism and other modern art styles while in college.(我念大学时,得知印象主义和其他现代艺术派别。)
  • 13、Modern music refers to the late 19th and early 20th centuryimpressionism music until the music today all western professional.(现代主义音乐是指19世纪末20世纪初印象主义音乐以后,直到今天的全部西方专业音乐创作。)
  • 14、Introduced by Camille Pissarro, Cezanne joined theimpressionism and participated in the first Impressionist painting exhibition.(他曾由毕沙罗介绍加入印象主义画派并参加了第一届印象派画展。)
  • 15、impressionism name from the famous monet was impression?(印象主义的名称源于莫奈的名作《日出印象》?。)
  • 16、Chapter two expounds specifically on Chekhov novels 'impressionism characteristics.(第二章详细阐述契诃夫小说的印象主义特色。)
  • 17、impressionism changed the way that people thought about art ago.(印象派改变了人们以前对于艺术的看法。)
  • 18、Van Gogh was a painting master of laterimpressionism.(梵高是后印象派绘画大师。)
  • 19、What is the meaning of the "impressionism"?(“印象派”是什么意思?)
  • 20、I think thatimpressionism wasn't quite enough for Van Gogh.(我认为印象画派对梵高来说并不够。)
  • 21、He stressed character and expression rather than perspective and physical accuracy; he was already experimenting withimpressionism.(他强调性格与表现而不是透视与精确。他已经在试验印象派风格了。)
  • 22、impressionism stripped painting back to its roots, restoring the emphasis on pure form and pure colour.(印象主义将绘画回归到本源,并强调纯粹的形式与纯粹的颜色。)
  • 23、France Musician Debussy is the music master ofimpressionism.(法国音乐家德彪西,被称为印象派音乐大师。)
  • 24、It's time for the revolutionaryimpressionism to begin.(变革的时候到了,印象主义诞生。) haO86.com
  • 25、Post-impressionism perfectly exerted the formalist art for almost any subjects and contents.(后印象派将形式主义艺术发挥到极致,几乎不顾及任何题材和内容。)



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