


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:40:37



  • 1、The next year Japanese buyers were still paying record prices forimpressionist art at Christie's.(九十年代的日本买家仍然活跃在克里斯蒂拍卖行刷新印象派艺术品的成交价。)
  • 2、At first few understood what Edouard Manet, animpressionist artist, and his followers were trying to do.(刚开始时很少人能看懂爱德华·马奈及其随后的印象派画家,不知道他们要在画中表达什么。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 3、Keynes was equally surprised and forced to put his two favoriteimpressionist paintings up for sale.(面临危机凯恩斯同样吃惊,并被迫出卖两幅珍爱的印象派绘画作品。)
  • 4、Ted: Kids, every story in a man's life is like a dot in animpressionist painting.(特德:孩子们,一个人一生中的每个故事就好比一个印象派画家作品中的一个色点。)
  • 5、The reason I think this painting is so important is that it stresses theimpressionist aspect of Frantzen's style.(我认为这幅画很重要,因为它强调了弗兰岑的印象派风格。)
  • 6、Introduced by Camille Pissarro, Cezanne joined the Impressionism and participated in the firstimpressionist painting exhibition.(他曾由毕沙罗介绍加入印象主义画派并参加了第一届印象派画展。)
  • 7、Here we already begin to seeimpressionist influence on his work.(这里我们已经开始看到印象派对其作品的影响。)
  • 8、Although Millet was a realist painter, and Van Gogh a post-impressionist, the two paintings still share lots of features.(虽然米莱是一个现实主义画家,而梵高是后印象派画家,但这两幅画仍然有很多共同的特点。)
  • 9、Separate analysis is given to the importantimpressionist exhibitions and their contemporary critics like the writer Baudelaire.(单独分析,给出了重要的印象派展览和像波德莱尔及其当代作家的批评。)
  • 10、"I HAVE all my subjects to hand", Pierre Bonnard, a French post-impressionist painter, once wrote.(“我手头上有全部素材”,法国后印象主义画家皮埃尔·波纳尔曾经写到。)
  • 11、I'm interested in, art. Painting in particular,impressionist painting.(我对,呃,艺术感兴趣,特别是绘画,印象派绘画。)
  • 12、Based on his fondness forimpressionist art, though, he is likely to be agreeable and conscientious.(尽管由于他喜欢印象派艺术,他很可能是愉快的和认真的。)
  • 13、A lot ofimpressionist artists painted everyday scenes, like people on the streets and in cafes, lots of nature scenes, especially landscapes.(很多印象派画家画日常生活场景,比如街上和咖啡馆里的人,还画很多自然场景,尤其是风景。)
  • 14、The collector has acquired a fine collection ofimpressionist paintings.(这位收藏家收集到大量印象派绘画。)
  • 15、Here's Britishimpressionist Jon Culshaw providing some tips on how to imitate – or copy – people.(英国印象主义者乔恩•卡尔肖提供了几点模仿别人的技巧。)
  • 16、The blurred imagery ofimpressionist paintings seems to stimulate the brain's amygdala.(印象派绘画的模糊图像似乎会刺激大脑的杏仁核。)
  • 17、Debussy music andimpressionist paintings of artistic pursuit, and cultural connotation and Aesthetic is an example.(德彪西音乐和印象主义绘画的艺术追求、文化内涵及审美意蕴就是一个例证。)
  • 18、This week, at theimpressionist and Modern sales in London, it looked as if all of the market's hard-earned lessons had been forgotten.(本周,在伦敦的“印象主义者与现代”的拍卖会上,市场的表现让人感觉到那些血淋淋的教训似乎已经被人遗忘了。)
  • 19、Water ripples resemble animpressionist painting in Costa Rica.(哥斯达黎加的层层水波,颇似印象派绘画。)
  • 20、It could barely be described as animpressionist work, so closely does it resemble a classic portrait of the 19th century.(这幅画几乎不能称之为印象派作品,反倒很像是一副19世纪的古典主义画像。)
  • 21、In fact, when viewed in parallel to Xiaonan'simpressionist paintings, it seems as if the artist views music as a form of life.(事实上,当把小南的印象派作品台成一列看时,仿佛艺术家将音乐看成生命的一种形式。)
  • 22、In London this week, Sotheby's and Christie's held their regular June auctions ofimpressionist and Modern Art.(本周Sotheby和Christie拍卖行在伦敦举行了他们常规的六月拍卖会,拍卖的主题是印象派作品和现代派作品。)
  • 23、impressionist painters often painted the same scenes, at times simultaneously, with their easels side by side.(印象派画家经常画相同的场景,有时同时,与他们并肩画架。)
  • 24、Debussy, a French composer writing at the end of the nineteenth century in theimpressionist style, and the piece is called Moonlight.(德彪西是法国作曲家,他在19世纪末以印象派风格写曲,这件作品叫做《月光》)
  • 25、impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brush strokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.(印象派画家倾向于把颜料涂得很厚重,而且喜欢用笔触很粗的画笔,所以画布的纹理很粗糙。)
  • 26、Theimpressionist Renoir is quoted as saying "no shadow is black."(印象派画家雷诺阿曾言“没有阴影是黑色的。”)
  • 27、The famous Frenchimpressionist painter Pierre - Auguste Renoir 's painting "Nude" in Rome, Italy in a news conference to display.(法国著名印象派画家皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿的油画《裸女》在意大利罗马的一个新闻发布会上展示。)
  • 28、He tried to suppress theimpressionist, making his own art history into a joke.(他极力的打压印象派,使得他自己变成了美术史上的一个笑话。)
  • 29、These occasions present a fascinating opportunity to compare technique and to see theimpressionist approach at work.(这些场合提出一个有趣的机会来比较技术,并在工作中看到印象派的方法。)
  • 30、Impressionism was followed by exercises in neo-impressionist patterned color and then by excursions into the greater freedom of fauvism.(继印象主义之后,使他用新印象主义的图案结构的色彩,而后又涉猎于更加自由奔放的野兽派的领域。)



英 [ɪmˈpreʃənɪst] 美 [ɪmˈprɛʃənɪst] 

