
in all probability造句

in all probability造句

更新时间:2024-08-27 23:40:31


in all probability造句

  • 1、If the Long Wave has bottomed, thenin all probability so has gold.(如果长波已经触底,然后在所有的可能性,以便有黄金。)
  • 2、This means NBS,in all probability, will tell us that growth came in at 9.3%, maybe even 9.4%.(在所有的可能性,这意味着国家统计局,会告诉我们,增长了9.3%,甚至9.4%。)
  • 3、Having disappeared for long, he has been kidnappedin all probability.(他失踪了这么久十之八九是被绑架了。)
  • 4、in all probability he failed to understand the consequences of his actions.(他很可能未了解到行动的后果。)
  • 5、The guns captured will aggregatein all probability five or six hundred.(所获的枪枝合计当在五六百之数。)
  • 6、She is,in all probability, from Australia.(你是澳大利亚人,不是吗?)
  • 7、If a director does exist, it is,in all probability, the God.(如果说,导演真的存在的话,很可能,那是上帝。)
  • 8、Even in our enlightened communities, and not withstanding the many charitable efforts, this is still,in all probability, the chief evil.(即使在我们的文明社会,许多的慈善行为也仍然抵挡不住主要的罪恶。)
  • 9、If the wolves attack you, we will come to your aid,in all probability.(如果狼攻击你们,我们多半会来相助。)
  • 10、in all probability Cherubim, Seraphim and Destroyers are all the same winged reptilian creatures.(在所有的概率基路伯,塞拉芬和驱逐舰都是一样翼爬行动物。)
  • 11、in all probability, uncertainty will remain at high levels, exacting its toll on individuals and businesses.(十有八九的,不确定性将会成为影响个人和商业最大的一个因素。)
  • 12、"In a few months, my dear Marianne." said she, "Elinor will,in all probability be settled for life."(“亲爱的玛丽安,”她说,“再过几个月,埃丽诺十有八九要定下终身大事了。”)
  • 13、Does this behaviour make sense? Is it likely to change soon? The answer to these questions is: Yes and,in all probability, No.(这种行为有没有合理性呢?会不会很快改变呢?对第一个问题,回答是肯定的,而第二个问题的答案却是否定的。)
  • 14、in all probability, the Martini cocktail has no single inventor like in the case of many a masterpiece.(不过,如同很多杰作一样,马提尼的发明者很可能并非一人。)
  • 15、Theanswer to these questions is: Yes and,in all probability, No.(对第一个问题,回答是肯定的,而第二个问题的答案却是否定的。)
  • 16、Why insist on seeking to do that whichin all probability can not be done?(为什么要坚持寻求做那些怎么也无能为力的事呢?) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 17、I was born bad, and I have lived bad, and I shall die badin all probability.(我是一个生就的坏蛋,活着的坏蛋,大概到死也是一个坏蛋。)
  • 18、If you really needed to take out a lot of tissue, the cancer had,in all probability, already spread through the system.(如果你真的需要取出很多组织,癌症很可能已经蔓延到了整个系统。)
  • 19、You have to consider the possibility that god does not like you. He never wanted you.in all probability, he hates you.(你要假设上帝不爱你,他一直都不想要你,或许还很讨厌你呢。)
  • 20、This weekend, what isin all probability the world's largest pinball show takes place at the Bay Area's Marin County Civic Center.(本周末,什么在所有的概率是世界上最大的弹球显示发生在海湾地区的马林县文娱中心举行。)
  • 21、Some of these,in all probability, followed him to South Galatia, soon after his second visit.(一些这些,在所有的概率,跟随他到南加拉太后不久,他的第二次访问。)
  • 22、in all probability, he will pass the maths exam.(他非常有可能会通过数学考试。)

in all probability基本释义

in all probability

英 [in ɔ:l ˌprɔbəˈbiliti] 美 [ɪn ɔl ˌprɑbəˈbɪlɪti] 
十之八九; 很可能
