
in operation造句

in operation造句

更新时间:2025-03-02 20:55:22


in operation造句

  • 1、Many private galleries arein operation, with many more opening each year.(很多私人画廊也在经营,每年会有很多新的画廊开业。)
  • 2、There are three ski liftsin operation.(有3辆滑雪缆车在运行。)
  • 3、A ban is alreadyin operation in Belgium and under discussion in Canada, Denmark and Spain.(禁令已经在比利时实行了,加拿大,丹麦和西班牙正在商议中。)
  • 4、Ten soldiers have diedin operation Panther's Claw.(已有10名士兵在黑豹利爪行动中死亡。)
  • 5、Memory dumps reveal the recorded state of working memory at a specific pointin operation.(内存转储呈现运行过程中某一点上WorkingMemory的记录状态。)
  • 6、Figure 1 shows — yesnoin operation.(图1展示运行中的——yesno。)
  • 7、A contraflow system isin operation on this section of the motorway.(这段高速公路的一侧正在实行双向行驶。)
  • 8、Mr Obama promised to close Guantánamo, but so did Mr Bush—and it is stillin operation.(奥巴马许诺关闭关塔那摩,布什也许诺过——但它现在还开着。)
  • 9、Then, Yale's business school had only beenin operation for a couple years.(当时,耶鲁大学商学院刚刚运营几年时间。)
  • 10、The distinct parts of this process, known as carbon capture and storage (CCS), are alreadyin operation.(这一过程的独特部分就是所说的碳捕获封存(CCS),已在具体操作中。)
  • 11、Many backward production facilities that should have been closed down are stillin operation.(不少应该淘汰的落后生产能力还没有退出市场。)
  • 12、The system has beenin operation for six months.(这个系统已经运行六个月了。)
  • 13、Soon afterward, the Federal government drastically cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later abolished them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schoolsin operation.(很快,联邦政府就彻底地切断了用于此类目的的开销,后来直接取消了这项开支,这导致了营业中的托儿所数量锐减。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、Iowa has 1, 000 + turbinesin operation and is building.(爱荷华已经运行和在建的风力涡轮机有1000多台。)
  • 15、Prisons are no longer the grim forbidding places they used to be. Social welfare systems arein operation in many parts of the world.(监狱不再是过去那种可怕的令人生畏的地方。)
  • 16、The Levant Basin Province is a perfect model for this principlein operation.(阆风盆地地区的这种解决方案正是体现这种原则的完美范例。)
  • 17、Big energy projects cost billions to build and remainin operation for decades.(大型能源项目需要花费数十亿资金修建,将运营数十年。)
  • 18、At this point, the program is ready to accept requests, but the reload timer is alsoin operation.(现在,程序可以接受请求了,重新装载计时器也启动了。)
  • 19、There are more than 130 currentlyin operation.(目前有超过130座(核电站)在运行。)
  • 20、Do not perform the check-in operation on a unit that is checked in.(不要在检入的单元上执行检入操作。)
  • 21、It was known as Addington Prison, and wasin operation until 1999.(这座名为艾丁顿的监狱,运作至1999年。他们人民?)
  • 22、Temporary traffic controls arein operation on New Road.(新路正在实施临时交通管制。)
  • 23、Fully automated "lights-out" fabs arein operation.(完全自动化的“熄灯”晶圆厂处于运作中。)
  • 24、For now, Soyuz are the only commercially available human spacecraft currentlyin operation.(现在,联盟号是唯一可以提供个人太空旅行的宇宙飞船。)
  • 25、DB2 V9.7 introduced local indexes to streamline the data roll-in operation.(DB2V9.7引入本地索引来简化数据滚入操作。)

in operation基本释义

in operation

英 [in ˌɔpəˈreiʃən] 美 [ɪn ˌɑpəˈreʃən] 
操作中; 运转中; 生效; 实施中