
in practice造句

in practice造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:01:52


in practice造句

  • 1、Butin practice, that's not the case.(但是,在实践中,不会出现这种情况。)
  • 2、We can talk about "religion-ex" since everybody is spiritually equal, but women and men actuallyin practice are not equal.(我们可以说说“宗教性别”,因为在精神层面上,人人都是平等的,但实际上女人和男人是不平等的。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 3、in practice in Tokyo, because of the relative concentration of schools, there is some competition to get into the "better" school in a particular area.(在东京的惯例中,由于学校相对集中,在某个特定地区进入“更好”的学校存在一些竞争。)
  • 4、This is certainly a theoretical risk butin practice there is seldom a problem.(这在理论上肯定有风险,但在实践中却很少出问题。)
  • 5、I agree with it in principle but I doubt if it will happenin practice.(我原则上是同意它的,但我怀疑在实践中它是否会发生。)
  • 6、in practice, it can scare them off.(实际上,放一起能把他们吓跑。)
  • 7、How did Japan doin practice?(而实际上日本又是怎么做的呢?)
  • 8、So let's see thisin practice.(让我们在实践中看看这个。)
  • 9、in practice, human rights law will not disappear.(在实际情况中,人权法是不会消失的。)
  • 10、Thus both factors can affect the cycle, which,in practice, seems to be generated by conjunction of the two factors.(因此,这两个因素都会影响周期;而实际上,周期似乎是由这两个因素的结合产生的。)
  • 11、So how might we use thisin practice?(所以在实践中我们怎么使用它呢?)
  • 12、This is how we address that purpose of education, to give students an opportunity to applyin practice what they have learnt.(这就是我们如何实现教育的目的,让学生有机会将所学应用于实践。)
  • 13、My solicitor is no longerin practice.(我的律师已不再执业了。)
  • 14、How is a stage managedin practice?(在实践中阶段是如何被管理的?)
  • 15、in practice, such insects are worse off than they would be without this gene.(实际上,这种昆虫将比他们没有携带这个基因的时候更糟。)
  • 16、Achieving these goals is relatively easy in theory, yet quite difficultin practice.(实现这些目标从理论上说比较容易,但在实践上却相当困难。)
  • 17、Prisoners have legal rights, butin practice these rights are not always respected.(囚犯虽有合法的权利,但实际上这些权利常未受到尊重。)
  • 18、in practice, we apply the product of EPEC, realize real-time data display and long-distance communication on intelligent road roller.(在实际应用中,我们应用EPEC产品,实现了智能压路机的实时数据显示和本地远程通信。)
  • 19、in practice, women are paid much lower than their male colleagues.(实际上女性收到的报酬比她们的男同事要低得多。)
  • 20、in practice, many of the silos for these grains have not yet been built, and those that have been built are empty or half-full.(实际上,许多用来储存这些谷物的筒仓却还没有建好,而那些已经建好的粮仓却又空着或储存了一半。)
  • 21、in practice, however, such an attitude is counterproductive.(然而在实际中,这种态度会适得其反。)
  • 22、I want to speak about how we apply these principlesin practice.(我要谈谈我们在实践中是如何应用这些原则的。)
  • 23、in practice, our brain discounts the risks—and benefits—associated with issues that lie some way ahead.(在实践中,我们的大脑忽略了与未来的问题相关的风险和收益。)
  • 24、in practice change is moving slowly.(实际上,这些改变进展缓慢。)
  • 25、The other alternatives are attractive in theory butin practice are either impractical or offer only marginal improvements.(其他替代方案在理论上很有吸引力,但在实践中要么不切实际,要么只能提供微不足道的改进。)
  • 26、Knowledge originatesin practice.(认识来源于实践。)
  • 27、So what do this meanin practice?(那么实际的含义是什么?)
  • 28、in practice, the agency system has decayed. Most "agents" now sell only to themselves or their immediate family.(实际上,这种代理制已经衰退。现在,大多数“代理人”都只把产品卖给自己或亲近的家人。)

in practice基本释义

in practice

英 [in ˈpræktis] 美 [ɪn ˈpræktɪs] 
在实践中; 在不断练习中; 实际上