
in behalf of造句

in behalf of造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:28:00


in behalf of造句

  • 1、We will have the meeting to discuss the money-raising eventin behalf of the tsunami victims.(我们将开会讨论为海啸受害者筹款的活动。)
  • 2、Deuteronomy emphasizes God's gracious and undeserved love of Israel, and that's expressed in his mighty acts on Israel's behalf.(申命记强调上帝对以色列仁慈和不应得的爱,这在他对以色列人全能的行为上表现出来。)
  • 3、And, finally, an actor is called a facilitator when it performs an action on behalf of another actor in a system.(最后,当某个参与者代表系统中的另一个参与者执行操作时,我们就称它为代理。)
  • 4、Rather love is reflected in the personalsacrifices one makes on behalf of another.(然而,爱是从一个人为别人所做出的牺牲里所反映出来的。)
  • 5、A delegate object or delegation is a simple and powerful pattern in which one object in a program ACTS on behalf of, or in coordination with, another object.(委托对象或者说委托方法是一个简单且功能强大的模式,在此模式中,程序中的一个对象,其行为代表另一对象,或与其一致。)
  • 6、Passengers carry documents on behalf of a company in return for a discounted, or free (though rarely), round trip.(携带公司证明文件的乘客可以换取折扣或者免费(虽然很罕见)的往返机票。)
  • 7、Did the death of Christ finish the work of atonementin behalf of the transgressor?(基督之死是代表违法者的赎罪之工完成了吗?)
  • 8、The suit was filed Jan. 19 in federal court on behalf of Amanda Obney of California.(加州的阿曼达.欧贝妮于于1月19日在联邦法庭提起该诉讼。)
  • 9、Very true, indeed; — and now, my dear Jane, what have you got to sayin behalf of the interested people who have probably been concerned in the business?(你这话说得不错。那么,亲爱的吉英,你将替这种有关的人说些什么话呢?)
  • 10、The other would stop retail brokers from casting votes, almost always in favour of management, on behalf of investors who have not given instructions on how to vote.(另一项是停止总是支持管理层的零售经纪人代表那些没有对投票给出指示的投资者进行投票的权力。)
  • 11、Perhaps there was still time to intervenein behalf of that man.(可能还来得及由他出面说一下情?)
  • 12、At root is the issue of just what constitutes "proprietary trading" by Banks, especially as it relates to the issue of making trades in securities on behalf of their customers.(根本性的问题在于,哪些行为构成银行的“自营交易”,特别是因为这涉及到为客户利益而进行证券交易的行为。)
  • 13、Back at the park, Bianchi's intervention on her son's behalf ended in an undignified exchange of insulting words with the other boy's mother.(回到公园后,比安奇代表儿子出面干预,结果却与另一个男孩的母亲进行了侮辱性的辱骂。)
  • 14、I have been having discussions in Brussels on behalf of the industry so that some sort of common sense should prevail, as it does on sites such as eBay.(我在布鲁塞尔的会议上已代表行业提出了讨论,希望可以像eBay一样达成某些共识。)
  • 15、In databases that store data on behalf of clients, there is typically already a table representing a client.(在代表客户端存储数据的数据库中,通常已经有一个表示客户端的表。) hAo86.com
  • 16、We do itin behalf of the cause of peace.(我们为了和平的事业而做这件事。)
  • 17、To dedicate any and all profits from the boat shows or any other money making endeavors to be used onlyin behalf of programs beneficial to the sport of boating and the industry connected therewith.(把任何所有来自划船展和任何其他经努力挣来的利益致力于划船运动和与之有关的产业。)
  • 18、Beginning in the 16th century, Cossacks and settlers began to claim the land on behalf of the czars in the biggest land grab in history.(早在16世纪哥萨克和居民就开始谴责这块沙皇统治下的土地。)
  • 19、We collected moneyin behalf of the homeless.(我们为帮助无家可归者而募捐。)
  • 20、I'm lucky to have the opportunity to participate in the national dancing competition on behalf of our school.(我有幸能代表学校参加全国舞蹈比赛。)
  • 21、in behalf of the practitioner a short survey is given about nutrition of fish and shrimps.(在代表医生短期调查提供有关营养的鱼虾。)
  • 22、On behalf of all affected countries in Africa, today we are collectively committing ourselves to put an end to devastating outbreaks of this disease.(今天我们代表非洲所有受影响的国家,集体承诺终结造成巨大破坏的该疾病的暴发。)
  • 23、Decisions were madein behalf of short-term profits for the few at the expense of unmanageable liabilities for the many.(决策代表少数人的短期利益,代价是让多数人背负难以承受的债务。)

in behalf of基本释义

in behalf of

英 [in biˈhɑ:f ɔv] 美 [ɪn bɪˈhæf ʌv] 
代表 ... 一方; 作为 ... 的发言人
