更新时间:2025-01-05 21:56:53
in bulk造句
- 1、Most gins begin their life as rectified neutral grain spirit alcohol — or N.G.S. — boughtin bulk.(大部分杜松子酒开始就像整流的中性的谷类蒸馏酒精——或者N.G.S.——散装购买的。)
- 2、Buyingin bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.(大批采购比少量购买更经济实惠。)
- 3、It's also availablein bulk at natural food markets — and even Costco warehouse stores now carry it.(在天然食品市场也可以买到散装品现在甚至在Costcowarehouse连锁商店奎奴亚藜也有售。)
- 4、This administrative script is usually used to migrate process instancesin bulk.(该管理员脚本通常用于批量迁移实例。)
- 5、They bought pants, shirts, pajamas, and household necessitiesin bulk.(他们买了裤子、衬衫、睡衣及大量家居用品。)
- 6、Making a hamper can cost very little and the goodies inside can be boughtin bulk or made at home.(做礼品篮成本很小,放在里面的物品可以去批发也可以自己在家做。)
- 7、A 15 percent boostin bulk advertising and other discounted mailings has so far offset only some of the loss in revenue.(目前15%大批增长的广告和其他的打折邮件已经抵偿了利润损失。)
- 8、Remember, the first translation is generally donein bulk by translators who have no product experience.(请记住,第一遍翻译通常是由没有产品经验的翻译人员“大批”完成的。)
- 9、When my books were published, she’d buy themin bulk and mail them to me to autograph.(我的书一出版,她就会买好多还寄来让我签名。)
- 10、Nanoparticles of metal do not have the same colour as that metal doesin bulk.(纳米金属微粒的颜色和金属块不一样。)
- 11、Many major corporations give their employees BlackBerrys, which are purchasedin bulk.(许多大公司为它们的员工成批购买黑莓手机。)
- 12、Graphite, which is blackin bulk, consists of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal grid.(石墨是黑色零散的,包含一层组织成六边形栅格的碳原子层。)
- 13、The price of itemsin bulk is generally a great bargain.(大型零售商店里的商品的价格真的非常便宜。)
- 14、The green beans can be suppliedin bulk or in gunny bags.(青豆可以散装,也可以用麻袋装。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 15、Buyin bulk and cookin bulk. - Buying stuff and cooking food are two of the most common unplanned consumptions of time.(批量购物与批量烹饪——购物与烹饪食物是两项最常见的无计划时间消耗。)
- 16、Once you're in, you can backup Docs to your local drive eitherin bulk or filtered by folder.(一旦进入,你可以将文件全部或有选择地备份至本地硬盘。)
- 17、According to DTZ, a research consultancy, companies buying unitsin bulk increased from 2% to 3% in the third quarter.(根据一家名为dtz的研究咨询公司的数据,在今年第三季度,大量购买房产的企业由2%增长到了3%。)
- 18、It's cheaper to buyin bulk.(大批购买便宜些。)
- 19、Instead, some of the proteins that adorn the parasite's surface have been madein bulk.(相反,一些依附于疟原虫表面的蛋白质都是批量生产出来的。)
- 20、Pick-your-own farms and farmers markets both offer price drops for buyingin bulk.(自己采摘的农场和农贸市场都会为大需求的客户提供提供较低价格。)
- 21、Storekeepers buy themin bulk and resell them for $150 each.(店主大批买进这些,又以每件$150的价格转卖出去。)
- 22、Customers gladly pay an annual membership fee to shop and buyin bulk.(消费者愿意每年付会员费来大量选购商品。)
- 23、Buyin bulk, cookin bulk - Buying stuff and cooking food are two of the most common unplanned consumptions of time.(批量购买,批量制作。购买原材料和烹饪是两件常见的费时且无计划的事情。)
- 24、Frozen burgers, beef or otherwise, are more expensive than buying the ground meatin bulk and making patties yourself.(冷冻汉堡、牛肉要比您自己买散装绞肉做成小肉饼昂贵得多。)
- 25、Skip the candy bars, and buy baby carrots and grapesin bulk.(不要买糖块,大批购买迷你胡萝卜(babycarrot)和葡萄。)
in bulk
英 [in bʌlk] 美 [ɪn bʌlk]
大量; 整批散装