
in defence of造句

in defence of造句

更新时间:2024-12-15 21:35:26


in defence of造句

  • 1、What points can be raisedin defence of this argument?(有什么论点能提出来为这个说法辩护呢?)
  • 2、He spokein defence of a disciplined approach.(他为遵守纪律的做法作辩护。)
  • 3、in defence of the authors there are extensive notes and the language learning is embedded in meaningful contexts.(在辩护的作者有广泛的债券和语文学习的是内嵌在有意义的情境。)
  • 4、in defence of computers (or, at least, those who program them).(为防范电脑,至少是编程人员。)
  • 5、They took up armsin defence of their country.(他们拿起武器保卫祖国。)
  • 6、She spoke upin defence of her beliefs.(她大胆地为自己的信仰辩护。)
  • 7、In short, there is a reasonable casein defence of Mr Brown. If only he had made it earlier.(简单的说,如果这件事早些达成的话,对于布朗首相,这将是一个合理的辩护。)
  • 8、He spokein defence of his country.(他为他的国家辩护。)
  • 9、She made a vigorous speechin defence of her boyfriend.(她为她的男朋友做了有力的辩护。)
  • 10、in defence of Japanese cabbies I think they're pretty good drivers generally - very smooth.(在我想他们是很好的出租车司机司机一般日本防卫-非常顺利。)
  • 11、We should pay tribute to soldiers diedin defence of our country.(我们应该向保卫祖国而牺牲了的军人表示敬意。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 12、They responded at once and rose as one manin defence of their motherland.(他们立即响应,团结得像一个人,起来保卫祖国。)
  • 13、These two disliked each other so much that it was difficult for them to come to any agreement, evenin defence of their own interests.(他们两个人互相看不惯对方,以至于永远都不可能达成一致,即使是在捍卫他们自己的利益的时候。)
  • 14、They foughtin defence of their country.(他们为保卫祖国而战。)
  • 15、But he insisted:in defence of everyone, I don't think anyone has set out deliberately to cheat here.(但他坚持说:在捍卫每一个人,我认为没有人提出了故意欺骗这里。)
  • 16、Kathy, I hate to interrupt you, butin defence of the Venice film Festival, I have to point out that we don't just feature Hollywood films.(凯西,很抱歉打断你,但我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我必须指出,我们不只是放映好莱坞电影。)
  • 17、The weasel is a timid animal but will fight like a tigerin defence of its young.(鼬鼠是一种胆小的动物,但在保护其幼畜时也会凶猛地搏斗。)
  • 18、Their latest salvoin defence of Greece on July 21st produced some favourable initial reports, but the bang has faded.(为了保护希腊他们于7月21日最新齐鸣产生了一些有利的初步报告,但是重击已经消退【他们最近一次举枪齐射是在7月21日,目的是保卫希腊。刚开始有些捷报传来,但枪声停歇,效果消退。】)
  • 19、The soldiers fought bravelyin defence of their country.(士兵们为保卫他们的国家英勇作战。)
  • 20、When their king said this, none of the gods dared to say a wordin defence of mankind.(当众神之王说完此话时,众神都不敢为人类说话。)
  • 21、It is said,in defence of high wages, that if the packages were wrong the market would have put them right.(据说,为了捍卫高工资,如果包装错了市场就会帮忙纠正过来。)
  • 22、He gave his lifein defence of his country.(他在保卫祖国的时候付出了生命。)

in defence of基本释义

in defence of

英 [in diˈfens ɔv] 美 [ɪn dɪˈfɛns ʌv] 
保卫 ...; 为 ... 辩护