
in good health造句

in good health造句

更新时间:2024-12-29 21:48:48


in good health造句

  • 1、The Philippine Department of Health has said that all six people who tested positive appear to bein good health.(据菲律宾卫生部说,检测呈阳性的所有6个人似乎健康良好。)
  • 2、He handed her a piece of paper certifying (that) she wasin good health.(他递给她一份她的健康证明书。)
  • 3、Woods was taken to hospital, but quickly released, and is apparentlyin good health.(伍兹被送往医院,但是很快出院,看起来并无大碍。)
  • 4、If you want to be an excellent runner like Liu Xiang, you must bein good health and be prepared to go through much hard work.(如果你想成为一名像刘翔一样优秀的运动员,你必须保持身体健康,准备好经受大量刻苦的训练。)
  • 5、Peoplein good health can safely donate, but the excuses given for not doing so were amazing.(身体健康的人献血是很安全的,而所谓不能献血的理由是那么令人惊奇。)
  • 6、to have both my parents alive andin good health;(我的父母都健在,有着健康的身体;)
  • 7、The importance of keeping the pigsin good health was all too obvious.(使猪保持健康的重要性是显而易见的。)
  • 8、Regular exercise can keep youin good health.(定期运动能让你保持良好的健康状况。)
  • 9、Whenin good health Fidel was a world traveler: silence.(身体健康时候的菲德尔(译注:即卡斯特罗)周游全世界:他们沉默了。)
  • 10、Keepers at Barcelona zoo have said Susi isin good health but admitted that her living conditions were not ideal.(巴塞罗那动物园的饲养员说苏西现在的健康状况良好不过她的居住环境确实还不够理想。)
  • 11、This is much like a non-smoker getting cancer from second-hand smoke, while the heavy smoker is fortunate enough to smokein good health.(这很像一个不吸烟的人因为二手烟而得癌症,而烟瘾大的人却很幸运地拥有健康的身体。)
  • 12、You think I should send this child back in this condition, when she has comein good health?(她来的时候可是健健康康的,你认为我应该在这个孩子在这种身体条件下把她送回去吗?)
  • 13、The Vilcambamba region of southern Ecuador, claims to have large Numbers of people reaching their 100th birthdayin good health.(厄瓜多尔南部Vilcambamba地区宣称,当地有大批健康地度过一百岁生日的老人。)
  • 14、Assad was notin good health and wanted to regain the Golan before he died, but he had to be careful.(阿萨德身体不好,想在去世前重新得到戈兰高地,但他确实需要谨慎。)
  • 15、Some peoplein good health just prefer to walk slowly.(因为有些健康的人愿意慢慢地走。)
  • 16、Mitgang says that when he met the novelist in the new year of 1977, "he seemed to be old, butin good health".(Mitgang说,他在1977年的新年里遇到小说家时,「他看上去年纪很大,但身体很健康。」)
  • 17、If you're otherwisein good health, you may recover normal kidney function.(如果患者在其他方面健康状况良好,是可能痊愈到正常肾功能水平的。)
  • 18、He told me that he wasin good health.(他说他身体很好。)
  • 19、Buffett, however, has indicated that he has no plans to retire, and he says he loves his work and remainsin good health.(巴菲特却仍然表明他没有退休的打算,他说他热爱他的工作,会保持良好的健康状态。)
  • 20、She looked to bein good health.(她显得很健康。)
  • 21、The third brother, aged 36 years, was hospitalized for observation only, did not develop symptoms, and remainsin good health.(第三个为年龄36岁的弟弟,只是住院接受观察,未出现症状,健康状况仍然良好。)
  • 22、They arein good health and stable mood with normal body temperature and satisfied with China's arrangement.(留学生们体温正常,身体健康状况良好,情绪稳定,对中方的安排表示满意。)
  • 23、Finally, the underlying operating system must bein good health to support the applications.(最后,底层操作系统必须处于良好的状态才能支持应用程序。)
  • 24、I hope you arein good health.(我希望您身体健康。)
  • 25、The majority of the Swiss population thinks it isin good health.(瑞士联邦统计局在一份声明中说:“绝大多数瑞士人自认为身体不错。)
  • 26、Q: Mandela is reportedly notin good health. How do you respond?(问:有报道称,曼德拉现在的健康状况不太好,中方对此作何反应?)

in good health基本释义

in good health

英 [in ɡud helθ] 美 [ɪn ɡʊd hɛlθ] 

