in stock造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 21:24:09


in stock造句

  • 1、The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reactionin stock markets around the world.(华尔街股价暴跌在全球股票市场上引起了连锁反应。)
  • 2、Enter the quantity of chocolates that he does havein stock and consider the order fulfilled.(输入库存中已有的巧克力的数量并认为订购完成。)
  • 3、If it'sin stock, then we have it!(假如有存货,我们就会拥有它。)
  • 4、We have several off-road trucksin stock, both new and used.(我们有几辆新旧越野车库存。)
  • 5、This one-day collapsein stock prices was a virtual impossibility.(股价一天之内有如此程度的暴跌,本来是根本不可能的)
  • 6、If the order items are notin stock but are expected, the process waits for stock to be replenished.(如果订单物品不在库存中,但很快将到货,流程将等待仓库进货。)
  • 7、in stock market, buying and holding the stocks until getting the bonus is investment.(在股票市场中,买了股票长期不动,等公司分红,是投资性的。)
  • 8、Check that your size isin stock.(查查你的尺码是不是有货。)
  • 9、Will you wait while I see if we have themin stock?(我看看那些有没有存货,请您稍等一会儿好吗?)
  • 10、The service sends an inventory status response that shows which parts arein stock.(服务发回目录状态响应说明库存中有哪些零部件。)
  • 11、We would rather cut down the price than keep a large quantity of goodsin stock.(我们宁肯降低价格,也不愿积压大量货物。)
  • 12、Do you have any Life Menu magazine tenin stock?(你们第十期的《生活菜单》杂志还有存货吗?)
  • 13、Or he can pay the bank backin stock; the exact number of shares will depend on how the stock performs.(或者,他也可以股票的形式支付给银行;股票的确切数量取决于股票的表现。)
  • 14、The vanishing of more than a trillion dollarsin stock-market wealth in a day.(一天之内超过一万亿的股票市值的消失。)
  • 15、The store had quite an array of leather shoesin stock.(这个商店有相当一批皮鞋现货。)
  • 16、We have roughly two to three days maximum of fuelin stock.(我们最多还有约两三天的燃油库存。)
  • 17、Do you have this kind of productin stock?(这种产品你们有现货吗?)
  • 18、You might also send me patterns of any new liningsin stock or on the looms, for the spring.(请寄给我们春季用的衬料新品种样品,库存或现生产中的布料均可。)
  • 19、All my products have been removed from the shelves, and I have loads morein stock.(我所有产品都被下架了,还有大量存货。)
  • 20、For any given order number, the program identifies whether all of its items are availablein stock.(对于任何给定的订单号,程序将检查它的所有项是否都可以从库存中获得。)
  • 21、That particular model is not currentlyin stock.(那种型号目前没货。)
  • 22、We don't have the bookin stock but you can order it.(这本书我们没有存货,但你可以订购。)
  • 23、A salesclerk claims his store is offering big savings on everythingin stock, when only a few select items, as it turns out, are marked down.(一名店员声称,他的商店在所有的存货上都有大优惠,而实际上只有少数精选的商品降价了。)

in stock基本释义

in stock

英 [in stɔk] 美 [ɪn stɑk] 

(商店等中)有现货的; 备有现货; 现存