
in the first instance造句

in the first instance造句

更新时间:2025-02-16 22:26:59


in the first instance造句

  • 1、Depending on the severity of dyslexia,in the first instance, many dyslexics would be drawn to the shape of words, rather than their names or meanings.(由于病症的影响,诵读困难症患者在看第一张图时只会关注每个单词的形状,而不是单词的意思。)
  • 2、This little act of vandalism willin the first instance mean more business for some glazier .(至少围观者所作的第一个结论没错,这件小小的破坏行为,首先会给某家玻璃店带来生意。)
  • 3、You, too, would eventually merge into THAT silence from which you emergedin the first instance.(你也是,最终会融入那个宁静,从你一开始诞生的地方。)
  • 4、This problem seemed to be complexin the first instance, but it could be easily solved.(这个问题乍一看似乎很复杂,但其实很容易解决。)
  • 5、By this method he expected to arrive at general laws, having,in the first instance, the lowest degree of generality.(凭这方法,他指望得到初步先具有最低级普遍性的一般法则。)
  • 6、The children were chosenin the first instance because they already liked drawing and they were already intrinsically motivated to draw.(第一中情境下的孩子们,因为他们已经喜爱作画了,所以他们已经被内在的动力驱动着去绘画了。)
  • 7、Other journalists may well see an angle or detail in the document that we were not aware ofin the first instance.(其它的新闻记者可能从这些文件中看到我们先前并没有注意到的独特的视角和细节。)
  • 8、It gives precedence to national courts, requiring States parties to use their own tribunalsin the first instance.(本国法院有优先权,缔约国必须先利用本国法庭。)
  • 9、It is vital to lodge your protests locallyin the first instance. Report the cruelty to.(第一时间向当地相关部门报告也是非常重要的。)
  • 10、That way, you can compare a columnin the first instance of the table to the same column in the second instance, which allows you to compare the values in a column to each other.(这样,可将表的第一个实例中的列与第二个实例中的同一列相比较,这样可相互比较列中的值。)
  • 11、in the first instance, increasing the temperature is out of the question.(在第一种情况下,提高温度是不可能的。)
  • 12、in the first instance, the user input is encoded before being displayed.(第一个例子中,使用者输入在显示前已经编码。)
  • 13、After a short delay, the software detects that another instance is already running, so it shuts down, and the artifact is openedin the first instance.(在短短的延迟之后,软件会探测到另一个实例已经启动,这样它就会自动关闭,工件会在第一个实例中打开。)
  • 14、in the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.(你的孩子首先要由耳鼻喉专家诊查。)
  • 15、The second remark bears on the criticism of the material propositions to which that elevation in thoughtin the first instance leads.(第二点值得注意的是关于对上述那种思想提高所赢得的内容的批判。)
  • 16、Life thus runs away,in the first instance, only into the false infinity of the progress AD infinitum.(因此生命最初只是没完没了地走向坏的无限进展的过程。)
  • 17、Having won the role, we have a lifetime obligation to conduct ourselves as having deserved to wear the robein the first instance.(既然穿上了这身法袍,我们就有终身的义务使自己表现的始终如同首次穿上法袍那样名副其实。)
  • 18、The research team is also working towards making a STAIR cell prototype suited,in the first instance, for small applications, such as mobile phones or MP3 players.(研究团队还在努力制作合适的STAIR电池原型,起初用于一些小型电器上,比如移动电话和MP3播放器。) hAo86.com
  • 19、Appellee (plaintiffin the first instance) : Liquidating Group of Jiangnan Industrial Co., Ltd. of Hunchun City.(被上诉人(原审原告):珲春江南实业有限公司清算小组。住所:珲春市。)
  • 20、You made several mistakes.in the first instance, you forgot to turn on the power supply any of the machines.(你出了好几个差错。首先,你忘了把机器的电源接通。)
  • 21、in the first instance, is there any hope of either training the employees you’ve got and increasing their skills to a level sufficient to allow you to trust them?(如果是第一种情况,那么你有必要培训自己的员工,让他们把技艺提高到让你信任的水平吗?)
  • 22、in the first instance please go from the below link to fill out our form and submit.(首先,请参阅以下衔接,以便填写我们的表格,然后提交给我们。)
  • 23、This is because poetry is,in the first instance, carefully contrived to express exactly what the poet wants to say.(这是因为诗首先要经过精心构思,以便确切地表达诗人所想要抒发的思想感情。)
  • 24、This problem seemed to be complexin the first instance, but they could solve it easily.(这个问题初看起来复杂,但他们是能够轻易解决的。)
  • 25、Their use is recommendedin the first instance for simple bearing arrangements subjected to arduous operating conditions.(我们首先在工作条件繁重的简单轴承布置中推荐使用它们。)

in the first instance基本释义

in the first instance

英 [in ðə fə:st ˈinstəns] 美 [ɪn ði fɚst ˈɪnstəns] 
首先; 起初
