1、I'm not certain it's meaningful, unless you arein the habit of giving your furniture personal names.(我不确定它有意义,除非你们热衷于,给你们的家具起名字。)
2、The boys werein the habit of filching fruit from the peddler's carts.(那些男孩们有偷小贩车上水果的习惯。)
3、Discipline mein the habit of trying and trying again; yet show me the way to make use of the law of averages.(鞭策我,让我养成一试再试的习惯。教我使用平衡法则的方法。)
4、Restaurateurs gotin the habit of adding flour to make chowder thicker, and now this is what consumers have come to expect constitutes a bowl of clam chowder.(食客们养成了往汤里加面粉的习惯,让杂烩变得更稠,以至于当他们想要一碗蛤蜊杂烩时,他们心里面想的就是这样一碗稠稠的汤。) 【hao86.com好工具】
5、Organizations need to learn something bigger than how to manage teams better: they need to bein the habit of asking themselves whether teams are the best tools for the job.(组织需要学习比如何更好地管理团队更重要的东西:他们需要养成习惯,时常问自己团队合作是不是完成这份工作最适合的手段。)
6、Set some goals for yourself and getin the habit of doing activities that don't center around your children.(给自己设定一些目标,并养成参加活动的习惯,不要总是围着你的孩子们转。)
7、If your school has a website where teachers list homework assignments, getin the habit of checking it regularly.(如果孩子学校的网站上有老师贴出的作业安排,你要有隔三差五就去浏览的习惯。)
8、Suppose you set a goal to write a book, but you aren’t alreadyin the habit of writing on a regular basis (ideally daily).(假如你打算写一本书,但是你总是没有定期写作的习惯(理想状态是每天都写)。)
9、This may be an indication that you'rein the habit of putting things off.(这可能就是你已经习惯了拖延的信号。)
10、And a new study finds that hair salon workers are alreadyin the habit of checking their customers for signs of skin cancer.(一项新的研究发现,美发沙龙的工作人员已经养成了为顾客检查皮肤癌标志的习惯。)
11、In the early days the nuns werein the habit of lending them their black garments.(最初,修女们常把自己的黑衣借给她们穿。)
12、There's a manin the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella.(有人爱用雨伞打我的头。)
13、Random acts of kindness are great if you’rein the habit of showing kindness as part of your daily life.(如果你把帮助别人当做是日常习惯的话,随机产生的助人为乐行为是很棒的一件事。)
14、At work, getin the habit of telling potential interrupters, "I'm right in the middle of something."(工作时,养成习惯告诉那些潜在的打扰者,“我在做事。”)
15、It is a shame though; journaling gets youin the habit of writing regularly. It strengthens your voice.(说来让人羞愧,写日志能让你养成经常写作的习惯,能使你更有发言权;当你面对一张白纸时,它还能减少你的恐惧心理。)
16、Some are different. They arein the habit of job-hopping, for they always pursue what is new and stimulating.(有的人则不同,他们惯于跳槽,总是追求新鲜的、刺激性的事。)
17、As a result, you should getin the habit of including the enclosing parentheses to minimize confusion.(结果,您会习惯性地使用括号来减少混淆。)
18、And it helps to bein the habit of taking your children outside to play more often.(它有助于使您习惯于更加频繁地领着孩子去户外活动。)
19、Developers arein the habit of writing development tools.(开发人员习惯于开发编程工具。)
20、If you'rein the habit of thinking it and believing it, doing it becomes much easier.(如果你常常考虑自己的梦想,而且习惯了相信梦想,实现梦想就会更容易。)
21、Get themin the habit of always bringing at least one solution idea for every problem you identify.(让他们养成对你所鉴定的每一个问题都至少提出一个解决方案的习惯。)
22、Unless you'rein the habit of sawing off your own arm, this is not particularly relevant.(除非你处于锯断你自己胳膊的习惯养成期,这根本是不相干的。)
23、For many years, I have beenin the habit of getting up before daybreak to start work at four.(多少年来,我养成了一个习惯:每天早晨四点在黎明以前起床工作。)
24、We are allin the habit of asking ourselves questions every day, most of the time were not even aware of their effect.(我们都有每天问我们自己问题的习惯,大多数时间我们没有意识到它的作用。)
25、Getin the habit of remembering to add that extra character whenever you use the line limit on this function.(应养成以下习惯:只要对此函数使用行限制,就添加该额外字符。)
26、Getin the habit of writing everything down from the very first meeting of the class.(从第一堂课开始就养成记笔记的良好习惯。)
27、Replied Javert; "people arein the habit of talking aloud to me."(沙威回答,“人家对我谈话总是大声的!”)