


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:39:03



  • 1、That the inner musical auditory sensation for people who deal with the music practice is the capabilityindispensability.(内心音乐听觉是每一个从事音乐实践活动的人不可缺少的一种能力。)
  • 2、Although the amount of practical cases is less, the arbitration under the SCM and the GATS is aindispensability part of the WTO arbitration.(虽然实际案例较少,但SCM协定和GATS中的仲裁仍是WTO仲裁不可缺少的一部分。)
  • 3、Theindispensability and principle of the automatic classification humping yard system is introduced in this paper.(本文介绍了编组驼峰自动化系统的必要性和工作原理。)
  • 4、Should include at least a few scenes that reinforce VNC'sindispensability.(都应至少包括一些场景,以突出VNC的不可或缺性。)
  • 5、This thesis considers the significance of reactive power compensation and analyses theindispensability and economic benefits of reactive power compensation.(本文从无功补偿的现实意义出发,分析了无功补偿的必要性和经济效益。)
  • 6、Body and mental state are two aspects of bodyindispensability, they are mutually to contact interaction.(身体与心理是人体不可缺少的两个方面,他们是相互联系相互作用的。)
  • 7、Have one set computer, it to my great use is the friend of theindispensability of my daily life.(我有一台电脑,它对我非常有用,是我日常生活不可缺少的朋友。)
  • 8、It isindispensability of overburden failure law for mining under buildings, water bodies and railways, especially mining under water bodies.(覆岩破坏规律探测是“三下”采煤,尤其是水体下采煤不可缺少的部分。)
  • 9、Agar and Agarose areindispensability in modern foodstuff industry, cosmetic industry and study of biology engineering.(琼胶和琼胶素是现代食品工业、化妆品工业和生物工程研究中不可缺少的。)
  • 10、While we are wondering the fragility of love, or romantic relation, we have to admit theindispensability of such happening.(当我们叹息爱情的脆弱时,还不得不承认那也是不可避免的。)
  • 11、Entrance isindispensability factor of building, it is keystone of forming the sequence space and control the transform of differ space.(而入口是建筑形态构成不可缺少的基本元素之一,它控制着两种不同空间的转换,是形成空间序列和节奏性的关键所在。)
  • 12、The safety valve is aindispensability component which ensures the safety working of the pressure vessel. It has be used on the pressure vessel widely.(安全阀作为保障压力容器安全运行不可缺少的一部件,在压力容器上已被广泛应用。)
  • 13、Although Taylor also sees self as a project, he emphasizes theindispensability of the moral and intersubjective dimensions in self construction.(哲学家泰勒虽然也认为现代人的“自我”类似于一项构建任务,但他强调自我构成中道德维度和主体际性维度的不可或缺性。)
  • 14、It is also the thing ofindispensability in the literature work, movie.(在文学作品、电影中也是不可缺少之物。)
  • 15、But, instead of denying Bellow's stress on humanity, their failure prove how difficult it is for intellectuals to claim theindispensability of humanistic virtues.(但是,他们的失败并不能否认贝娄对人性的重视,而是恰恰证明了在蔑视人性的社会中,知识分子想要重申人文主义美德的重要性是多么艰难。)
  • 16、The marketing strategy really signs, having become the appliance industry to establish oneselfs a mission of the special positionindispensability in future.(营销战略的确立,已成为家电行业在未来确立自己独特地位不可或缺的一项任务。)
  • 17、The shortwave communications isindispensability required in certain field and situation, and its security has always been a widespread concern.(短波通信在某些场合是不可替代的,其安全问题一直为人们所关注。)
  • 18、The pressure vessel and conduit isindispensability in modern industry, and it will be leak by many reasons in the production process.(压力容器和管道是工业生产装置中普遍存在的,在其运行过程中由于种种原因难免会产生泄漏。)
  • 19、The dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio of soil areindispensability for seismic safety evaluation and soil layer seismic response analysis of engineering sites.(土的动剪切模量比和阻尼比是工程场地地震安全性评价工作和土层地震反应分析中不可缺少的重要参数。)
  • 20、The other is like oxygen, light, degree of humidity, temperature all of etc. s be the essential conditions that the living creature declines a solutionindispensability.(其它如氧、光、湿度、温度等都是生物降解不可缺少的必要条件。)
  • 21、According to the problems in the operation of the central air conditioning system, theindispensability of quantified management. is discussed.(针对目前空调运行中存在的问题,阐述了对空调冷源供冷量进行量化管理的必要性。)
  • 22、The co-relation of morality and benefit indicates CSR'sindispensability.(道德与利益的内在依从性,预示着企业承担社会责任的必然性;)
  • 23、Social impact evaluation is anindispensability part of project evaluation.(社会影响评价是项目评价一个不可缺少的部分。) Hao86.com
  • 24、I have a computer, he is my good friend in my life, it to my great use is the friend of theindispensability of my daily life.(我有一台计算机,他是我生活中的好朋友,它对我的用途很大,是我日常生活的亲密朋友。)
  • 25、Data compression has been a technique ofindispensability in times of information.(数据压缩已经成为信息时代必不可少的一项技术。)
  • 26、The exports volume of Yunnan edible fungi accounts for half of the total volume of China, which contributes to theindispensability of the analysis of the exporting status.(紧跟着是云南食用菌国内市场分析,包括全国的云南食用菌销售情况和本省市场现状。)
  • 27、This electric drill is aindispensability special equipment at rag trade.(该电锁是服装工业不可缺少的专用设备之一。)
  • 28、Today, the software has already become science and the technique each realms, the industry sums importance fraction of the social each sectionindispensability.(今天,软件已经成为科学和技术各个领域、工业和社会各个部门不可缺少的重要部分。)



英 [ɪndɪspensə'bɪlɪtɪ] 美 [ɪndɪspensə'bɪlətɪ] 
