


更新时间:2024-08-27 23:38:33



  • 1、Recently, one of theseinterest-free loans allowed Edith to treat her son Sammy to something he'd never experienced before: a vacation at a resort in the Dominican Republic.(最近,伊迪丝利用无息贷款,让她儿子有了一次前所未有的经历--到多米尼加共和国的度假圣地度假。)
  • 2、And he pays off the debt during theinterest-free period, "so that I don't pay extra for my purchases".(通常他在免息阶段就把债务还清了,他说:“这样一来我就不用付额外的费用了”。)
  • 3、For those who borrow, this is similar to getting aninterest-free loan.(对于那些谁借款,这是类似于得到无息贷款。)
  • 4、The best young players may get aninterest-free loan from a sponsor or trust, but they will be paying it off for most of their lives.(这些最优秀的年轻演奏家也许能获得赞助商的信任或者无息贷款,但他们几乎要花费大部分的人生用以偿还提琴高昂的价格。)
  • 5、Look, it 's got the 2 yearinterest-free payment scheme now.(你看,现在有2年免息分期的付款方式?)
  • 6、And the living room boasts a brand new couch. It was bought with aninterest-free marriage loan of 7, 000 DDR marks.(卧室里有一张全新的卧床,这是动用了7,000东德马克的免息结婚贷款买的。)
  • 7、He was offered a $10,000interest-free loan.(他获得了一笔1万美元的无息贷款。)
  • 8、Demand deposits are basicallyinterest-free.(活期存款基本上不付利息。)
  • 9、Q: First, New Zealand called for more grants from China to Pacific island countries, saying that China's "soft loans" may cast relevant countries into a debt crisis once theinterest-free period ends.(问:第一,据报道,新西兰方面日前称,中国向太平洋岛国提供的“软贷款”在免息期结束后可能使有关国家面临债务挑战,希中国能提供更多无偿援助。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 10、Pay for goods and services and enjoy up to 56 days'interest-free credit.(支付所购买的服务和商品。并享受多达56天的透支免息优惠。)
  • 11、Mr Maki notes that consumer confidence plunged after the September 11th terrorist attacks but that Fed rate cuts enabledinterest-free loans which dramatically boosted car sales.(Maki先生注意到,911恐怖袭击后消费者信心指数骤跌,但是随后美联储的降息使得无息贷款显著地大幅提升汽车消费。)
  • 12、Aside from expanded lending, the world Bank Group is also working to speed up grants and long-term,interest-free loans to the world's 78 poorest countries, 39 of which are in Africa.(除增加贷款外,世界银行集团也在加快对世界上78个最贫困国家(其中39个在非洲)的赠款和长期无息贷款的流程。)
  • 13、Did they promise aninterest-free loan?(他们答应给我们一笔无息贷款吗?)
  • 14、Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove, who are producing the Warner Bros film, say they were particularly enticed by New Mexico's generous production subsidies andinterest-free loans.(制作这部华纳兄弟电影公司影片的罗德里克·约翰森与安德鲁•科索沃称,是新墨西哥州丰厚的制片补贴和无息贷款特别打动了他们。)
  • 15、Customers allowed the banks to use their moneyinterest-free.(客户们允许银行无息使用他们的钱。)
  • 16、And the cost of dancing with that dolphin, thanks to Citibank, Edith can now spread out over the next year ininterest-free monthly installments.(多亏了花旗银行,伊迪丝可以通过明年每月的无息分期付款来偿付和海豚跳舞的费用。)
  • 17、Steve Moore made a lot of money in the software business. After he retired he made aninterest-free loan to Crystie and Keith Kisler.(史蒂夫·穆尔(SteveMoore)在软件行业赚了不少钱,他退休后向CrystieandKeithKisler提供了一笔无息贷款。)
  • 18、They will provide us with aninterest-free loan.(他们将向我们提供无息贷款。)
  • 19、The company gives its staffinterest-free loan.(公司为它的职员提供无息贷款。)
  • 20、Participates in Asian President the conference to sign "Spare capital Replacement Cooperation Joint pledge" then obtains high for its under fixed asset value 90%interest-free loans.(参加亚洲总裁会议签订《闲置资本置换合作公约》即可获得最高为其名下固定资产价值90%的免息借款。)
  • 21、A widely used promotion method by local retailers is therefore to provideinterest-free payment by installment.(当地商家促销手段通常是分期付款,不收利息。)
  • 22、IDA was first set up in 1960 to provideinterest-free credits and grants to countries with little or no capacity to borrow on their own.(IDA成立于1960年,目的是为那些几乎没有能力或根本没有能力依靠自己的力量借贷的国家提供无息信贷或赠款。)



英 [ˌɪntrɪstˈfri:] 美 [ˌɪntrɪstˈfri] 
