
just as well造句

just as well造句

更新时间:2024-12-29 21:46:42


just as well造句

  • 1、The weather was so bad we mightjust as well have stayed at home.(天气糟糕透了,还不如待在家里好。)
  • 2、But any parent can do itjust as well.(这样的事任何家长都能做到。)
  • 3、This worksjust as well for binary data such as the image example above.(这对于上面的图像这种二进制数据也能很好地工作。)
  • 4、Some others say no to this offer because they think women have passed the same driving test as men and therefore they should be able to parkjust as well.(也有另一些人拒绝了这一提议,因为他们认为女性已通过了和男性一样的驾驶考试,因此她们应该可以像男性一样停车。)
  • 5、We mayjust as well have a try since it's worth doing.(既然值得一试,我们不妨试一试。)
  • 6、Blue asbestos is far less common in buildings, which isjust as well because it's more dangerous than white asbestos.(蓝色的石棉在建筑中要少见得多,幸好是这样,因为它比白色石棉更危险。)
  • 7、Why wouldn't a site search engine servejust as well or better than an index?(为什么一个网站搜索引擎服务不能达到索引的效果?)
  • 8、Asian and Hispanic scientists dojust as well as white ones.(亚裔和西班牙裔科学家的情况和白种人科学家的一样。)
  • 9、It'sjust as well.(这样也无妨。)
  • 10、The noise was quite disruptive at first, but after about four minutes the subjects were doingjust as well on their tasks as control subjects who were not exposed to noise.(起初,受试者会被噪音扰乱,但大约四分钟后,他们在任务中的表现与未受噪音影响的对照组受试者一样好。)
  • 11、Or would super-angel money dojust as well?(或者说超级天使的钱是不是也能做得同样好?)
  • 12、However, they couldjust as well appear in queries as shown in Update 2.(但是,转换表达式也可以出现在更新2这样的查询中。)
  • 13、It isjust as well that we didn't leave any later or we'd have missed him.(还好,我们没有晚些离开,要不然我们就见不到他了。)
  • 14、It'sjust as well that she doesn't have anyone to call.(恰好她没给人打电话。)
  • 15、This worksjust as well and it's more quiet.(电钻用起来一样顺手而且更为安静。)
  • 16、You mightjust as well let others do their own thing.(你可以让其他人做他们自己的事情。)
  • 17、Would Ijust as well forget about them altogether?(我会索性将它们全部忘掉吗?)
  • 18、We may [might]just as well have a try.(试一下未尝不可。)
  • 19、Refactoring can workjust as well without unit tests.(没有单元测试重构照样能够工作。)
  • 20、That isjust as well.(幸好是这样。)
  • 21、just as well, perhaps, that it was the stuff of fiction.(幸好它只是科幻作品。)
  • 22、Some of the traditional stories of neighborliness are impractical or silly and maybejust as well that our relations with our neighbors are changing.(一些传统的睦邻友好的故事是不切实际或愚蠢的,也许我们与我们的邻居的关系正在改变。)
  • 23、Girls are protectedjust as well as boys.(女童受到与男童同样好的保护。)
  • 24、We mayjust as well go to a movie.(我们不妨去看场电影。)
  • 25、Would a cheaper plan or a prepaid cell phone serve youjust as well?(是不是有适合你的更便宜的套餐或者付费电话服务呢?) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 26、Perhaps this isjust as well.(或许这样才好。)
  • 27、It would bejust as well to call and say we might be late.(还是打个电话说一声我们可能到得晚些比较好。)
  • 28、Many astronomers use radio telescopes for space experiments, which workjust as well during the daylight hours.(许多天文学家使用射电望远镜进行太空实验,这些望远镜在白天也同样有效。)
  • 29、They workjust as well and are more suited to a working professional.(吊带包同样不错而且更适于专业人士。)
  • 30、It isjust as well this all happens fast.(还好,这一切发生得迅速。)

just as well基本释义

just as well

英 [dʒʌst æz wel] 美 [dʒʌst æz wɛl] 
幸好; 无妨