1、High interest rates help to keep borrowing down.(高利率有助于控制借贷。)
2、They tried tokeep down expenses.(他们设法减少开支。)
3、I am trying tokeep down expenses.(我在努力控制支出。)
4、Economies of scale and limited investment choice willkeep down charges.(规模经济和有限的投资选择会控制费用不会太高。)
5、Will you increase profits, helpkeep down costs, or get or retain clients?(你能够增加收益、减低成本,留住客户吗?)
6、We don't need such expensive car. We mustkeep down expenses.(我们不需要那么贵的车,我们必须降低开支。)
7、The leading banks are expected to redouble their efforts to keep the value of the dollar down.(人们预计各大银行会加倍努力以保持美元的低价位。)
8、Despite the need for more people in the market, most companies want tokeep down labour costs.(尽管市场上需要更多的人手,大部分公司还是希望保持较低的劳动力成本。) hao86.com
9、We must try tokeep down expenses this year.(我们要设法削减本年度的开支。)
10、If the enemy opened fire,keep down.(如果敌人开火,就卧倒。)
11、They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them.(它们被正式地列为有害动物,农民们试图通过射杀或投毒来减少它们的数量。)
12、keep down! You mustn't let anyone see you.(蹲下!一定不要让人看见你。)
13、When that did not work, he tried tokeep down the turnout instead.(当这一计划落空时,他又在缩减出席人数上做文章。)
14、Keep your voice down—I don't want anyone else to hear.(小声点—别让人听见。)
15、The company wants tokeep down labour costs.(公司想保持低劳动成本。)
16、Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel.(记录下你的努力,写下你的感受。)
17、We mustkeep down the number of useless mouths.(我们必须减少吃闲饭的人。)
18、Employers have the upper hand and cankeep down labour costs, but at a price to Thailand’s competitiveness.(雇主掌握权力,也能够用低廉的成本雇用移工,但却要牺牲泰国的竞争力。)
19、Packs of ice were put on my forehead tokeep down the fever.(几包冰袋放在我的额头上以退烧。)
20、The company wants tokeep down labor costs.(公司不想提高劳动成本。)
21、Opt for grilled foods instead of fried, avoid or scrape away high-fat condiments like mayonnaise, and share those French fries to keep portion size down.(选择烧烤而不是油炸的食物,避免或刮掉高脂肪的调味品,如蛋黄酱,和别人一起吃薯条以减少分量。)
22、He was a good-tempered man, who found it difficult tokeep down his jovial easiness even by the bed of sickness of death.(他是个性情和善的人,就在病榻和死人面前也难改变他那逍遥自在的态度。)
23、They are trying their best tokeep down the noise of the heating system.(他们正尽力降低暖气系统的噪音。)
24、Great treeskeep down the little ones.(大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米。)
25、The children jumped up and down to keep warm.(孩子们上下跳动保持身体暖和。)