更新时间:2025-03-09 21:59:44
keep abreast with造句
- 1、Because unless we ourselves change the pace, with the change in times and keep ourselves abreast of the lastest timetable of our organizer, we will fall behind.(因为随着时间的流逝,我们自己改变步伐,紧跟领导的最新日程,否则我们将落伍。)
- 2、As the shield of the Qing dynasty, he doesn'tkeep abreast with the trend of the history and ends up with being the victim in the dispute of imperial power.(作为清王朝的守护人,逆历史清流而动,最终沦为王权倾轧拼杀的殉葬品。)
- 3、First, in order to keep abreast of the digital era, every university should be equipped with an adequate number of computers.(首先,为了跟上电子时代的步伐,每所学校都应该配备一定数量的电脑。)
- 4、AUSSINO continues to keep abreast of fashion trends with an established number of in-house designers, with teams based in New York, London, Melbourne, Shanghai, Singapore and Malaysia.(AUSSINO澳西奴将始终从创意出发,引领国际时尚潮流。在纽约、伦敦、墨尔本、上海、新加坡和马来西亚,我们都能看见设计师们忙碌的身影。)
- 5、It aims to keep abreast of the tide and create a bright and broad future with the friends from home and abroad.(在呈现一片蒸蒸日上的繁荣景象面前,诚望国内外同仁携手合作、共创美好的未来。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 6、With a focus on cost management, we carry out a on-spot production management so as to keep abreast of market change, offer high-quality products and satisfactory services.(本公司积极发挥以成本管理为核心、以生产现场管理为基础,把握市场行情,始终将一流的服务、一流的产品质量奉献给客户。)
- 7、Having an idol, inspires us with energy to keep abreast sagely; facing a goal, encourages us with power to march forward bravely.(心中有偶像,能启发见贤思齐的能量;眼前有目标,能激发勇往直前的力量。)
- 8、Tokeep abreast with time, the new textbooks even included an article on the newly emerging "Internet language" as an additional reading.(为了赶上时代潮流,新版教材甚至还采用了一篇关于最近出现的网络语言的文章作为补充阅读。)
- 9、The physical-training teacher quality insists to hang down , advanced in years-rotation occupation trains gravely, being unable tokeep abreast with the step that new class changes;(体育教师数量不足、素质偏低,年龄老化,职业培训落后于新课改的步伐,教师缺乏参与教育研究的积极性和主动性;)
- 10、Today, we continued with these messages which are intended to keep you abreast of the great changes that are ready to transform your reality.(今天,我们继续带给了你们信息,让你们了解到巨大的变革已经准备好转变你们的现实。)
- 11、They will of course be understood by those of you who keep abreast of events, and you can do much to share your understanding with others.(它们也当然会被那些了解事件发生最新情况的人所理解,而你们确实可以做得更多,通过与其他人分享你们对于这些事情的理解。)
- 12、When the complaints handling refined to keep abreast of the issues dealt with customer satisfaction, if not satisfied with the program should determine whether you need to change.(当投诉问题处置完美后,要实时理解客户对问题处置地称心度,若有不称心应判别能否需求更改计划。)
- 13、Grey hair has appeared in your sideburns, but you still look young in my eyes because you always keep abreast in the sea of wisdom with the forerunners of the day.(岁月的白发虽然爬上了您的两鬓,在我看来您却永远年轻,因为,在智慧的大海里,您始终与时代的先行者并驾齐驱。)
- 14、Keep abreast of with The Times you, will surely understand the fascination of be awed person of diamond deeply.(与时代并进的你,必能深深领会钻石的慑人魅力。)
- 15、Today's Chinese education must be transformed from material education to human education tokeep abreast with Chinese social transformation from traditional society to…(与当前我国社会从传统向现代转型相适应,我们的教育也应从唯材教育向唯人教育转型。)