
killer whale造句

killer whale造句

更新时间:2025-01-05 21:53:45


killer whale造句

  • 1、A minute later, in full view, akiller whale ate them both.(一分钟后,众目睽睽之下,一只虎鲸将它们统统吃掉。)
  • 2、The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has developed guidelines for whale watching in johnstone Strait, wherekiller whales are found on a daily basis each summer.(海洋和渔业部门已经研发出了在约翰斯同海峡监测鲸鱼的方法,约翰斯同海峡是吃人鲸鱼每年夏天被经常发现的地方。)
  • 3、Today I went to the aquarium and saw a sign that said Allegedkiller whale.(今天,我去水族馆看到了一只有嫌疑的虎鲸被留下了标记。)
  • 4、When the gulls landed on the water, thekiller whale would then attempt to capture them in her mouth, without killing them.(当海鸥落在水面上想吃鱼时,那只小虎鲸会尝试用她的嘴把海鸥抓住,但是并不吃掉或杀死海鸥。)
  • 5、Akiller whale calf learned the trick of luring gulls to the surface of the water with fish.(有一只小虎鲸学会了用漂着的鱼把海鸥引到海面上来的把戏。)
  • 6、In the news recently, a trainer was killed by akiller whale.(在最近的一个消息里,一个驯兽师被虎鲸杀了。)
  • 7、There is a known as the "tiger of the sea"killer whale, sometimes dozens of head formed a group, surrounded by a more than 30 tons of baleen whales, a few hours ate it up.(有一种号称“海中之虎”的虎鲸,有时好几十头结成一群,围住了一头三十多吨重的长须鲸,几个小时就把它吃光了。)
  • 8、The 'killer' whale then represents distrust and must be viewed in that light by the dreamer.(杀手'鲸鱼,然后代表不信任,必须看在这种情况下,由梦想家。)
  • 9、Their number of teeth is mixed; a bottlenose has 88 teeth, a falsekiller whale has 44 teeth, and a wholphin has 66.(它们牙齿的数目都是混合的;宽吻海豚有88颗牙齿,伪虎鲸有44颗牙齿,全齿鲸有66颗。)
  • 10、Even their number of teeth is mixed; a bottlenose has 88 teeth, a falsekiller whale has 44 teeth, and a wholphin has 66.(甚至连它们牙齿的数目都是,宽吻海豚有88颗牙齿,伪虎鲸有44颗牙齿,而鲸豚的牙齿数目是66。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、I had the unique experience of working with akiller whale orphan.(我有过跟一头雌性的孤儿虎鲸一起工作的特别经验。)
  • 12、The tiger's attention is diverted as thekiller whale sails over his head.(当虎鲸掠过头部时,老虎终于转移了注意力。)
  • 13、Teacher says:Look, thekiller whale can jump out of the water.(课件呈现虎鲸跳出海面的过程。)
  • 14、Do's and Don 'ts in whale WatchingThe Department of Fisheries and Oceans has developed guidelines for whale watching in Johnstone Strait, wherekiller whales are found on a daily basis each summer.(鲸鱼观赏时的小心事项在约翰斯通海峡,渔业和海洋部已经制定了鲸鱼观瞅指导,在那里的夏天,天天全部能发现虎鲸。)
  • 15、A SeaWorld whale trainer is now nursing a broken foot after one of the park'skiller whales dragged the trainer underwater during a show.(海洋世界的一名训鲸师正在小心护理他那只受伤的脚,他是在一次表演中被该公园的虎鲸拖入水后受伤的。)
  • 16、The other kind of whale is much larger than thekiller whale.(其他种类的鲸鱼要远远大于逆戟鲸。)
  • 17、SeaWorld has resumed itskiller whale show just days after one of the animals killed a trainer there.(海洋世界在动物袭击驯养员致死仅几天后便恢复了杀手鲸鱼的演出。)
  • 18、The airline has a long-term partnership with SeaWorld, and three airplanes painted with Shamu, akiller whale.(该航空公司与海洋世界有长期合作系,并有三架飞机喷上了虎鲸Shamu的图案。)
  • 19、The most ferocious sea creatures bowkiller whale statue.(海中生物最凶猛的虎鲸的船首雕像。)
  • 20、Akiller whale at SeaWorld Orlando jumped out of its tank on Wednesday and fatally attacked a worker as horrified visitors looked on.(本周三,奥兰多海洋世界的一只鲸鱼跳出水池攻击并杀害岸上的工作人员,这一幕让众多游客大吃一惊。)
  • 21、Fromkiller whale studies elsewhere we expected this kind of social interaction but it was the canniness of their hunting tactics that blew us away.(虎鲸让我们意识到了这种社会关系的重要性,但是他们捕食猎物时的机警和迅速还是让我们所有人都感到吃惊。)

killer whale基本释义

killer whale

英 [ˈkɪlə hweil] 美 [ˈkɪlɚ hwel] 
第三人称复数:killer whales
[动]虎鲸; 逆戟鲸