
fault system造句

fault system造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 22:08:00


fault system造句

  • 1、The fault diagnosis model-based is described directly by comparing the output characteristic of system model and virtualfault system.(通过系统模型和虚拟故障系统的输出特性对比,直观地描述了基于模型故障诊断方法的全部环节。)
  • 2、The formation and evolution of the Meso-Cenozoic basins in the middle and southern part of southern North China was mainly controlled by the Tanlufault system and the Dabie orogenic belt.(南华北中南部中新生代盆地的形成演化主要受郯庐断裂带、大别造山带构造运动的制约。)
  • 3、Oil and gas accumulation after Ximalaya movement was controlled by 3 sets of north tilted reversedfault system with parallel strikes.(喜山运动以后油气聚集的规律,受三组走向相互平行的北倾逆断裂所控制。)
  • 4、Faults are vertically subdivided into deepfault system and shallowfault system by the bottom of Jurassic Formation at Wuxia area.(根据地震解释结果,本区断裂系统在纵向上具有明显的分层性,以侏罗系底为界,划分为深部和浅部两套断裂系统。)
  • 5、Using the basic principle of spectrum decomposition, the paper conducted the recognition offault system, analysis of sedimentary environment and lateral prediction of reservoir.(本文根据频谱分解技术的基本原理,进行了断裂系统识别、沉积环境分析和储层横向预测。)
  • 6、Deep and shallowfault system have succession with time and space in the south of the work area, to the north have their own structural causes and the corresponding sub-detachment surfaces.(深、浅断裂体系在工区南部具有时间与空间上的继承性,往北深、浅断裂体系具有独自的构造成因和对应的次级滑脱面。)
  • 7、The authors built a discrete element model to simulate the evolution offault system above active salt domes, and further discussed the influence of rock strength on fault patterns.(作者通过构建离散元模型,模拟主动底辟盐构造断裂系统的演化过程,并进一步讨论了岩性强弱对于主动底劈盐构造断层系统分布模式的影响。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 8、The equilibrium equation of surrounding rock miningfault system is established. The fault destablizing process with shear failure pattern belongs to fold catastrophe model.(建立了矿井围岩-断层系统的准静态形变平衡方程,将呈剪切破裂形式的断层失稳过程归结为折迭突变模型。)
  • 9、Two phases of the structural movement lead to forming and evolution of complexfault system in the Liaohe basin.(二期构造运动导致了辽河盆地复杂断裂体系的形成和演化。)
  • 10、The technology has been proved to be effective for compilingfault system map of any platform on the earth.(论证这一技术对于编制地球上任一地台区断裂体系日的有效性。)
  • 11、These NNE and ne faults become a long transformfault system and formed a boundary between the eastern margin of China Continental Plate and Philippine Sea Plate.(这些北北东向和北东向断层形成一条巨长的转换断层系列,也是中国大陆板块东缘与菲律宾洋块的一条边界。)
  • 12、Thefault system of structural horizon in Hongliu area was taken as a plane set to be studied with the fractal dimension.(根据分形几何学的重要参数———分形维数可以反映复杂分形体空间分布的特征,将红柳地区构造层断层系作为一个平面集来进行分形维数的研究。)
  • 13、The previous research showed that oil and gas pools of upper Tertiary system have close relationship with distribution and activity offault system.(初步的研究表明新近系油气成藏与断层系统的分布和活动关系密切。)
  • 14、The master detachmentfault system at the southern side controls the geomorphology of the piedmont slopes, whereas the detachment system at the northern side is folded and sprays out.(核杂岩表现为多重拆离,南翼主拆离断层系控制了山前坡地地貌,北翼拆离系发生褶皱并呈分叉状。)
  • 15、But a better approach is to adopt a no-fault system, as has been tried here in New Zealand since 1974.(不过,更好的方式是采取一种无过错制度,1974年以来新西兰就一直试用这种制度。)
  • 16、Second stage is a wrenchfault system, which belongs to the Pacific Ocean cycle regime in narrow sense during the Yanshanian and Himalayan periods.(第二发展阶段从燕山期以来,发展成为一条平移断裂带,属于狭义的环太平洋构造域的平移系统。)
  • 17、You are usually excluded from a fault, thefault system is changed.(通常是你排除了一个故障,系统的故障现象就变了。)
  • 18、Thefault system that ruptured to cause this quake iscalled the Enriquillo-Plantain Gardenfault system.(因破裂而引发地震的断层系,被称为恩里基洛-芭蕉园断层系(Enriquillo-PlantainGardenfaultsystem)。)
  • 19、The result shows that the algorithm, which has better adaptability, can fulfill the demand of fault tolerant control infault system with single sensor failure.(结果表明,该控制策略可以满足有单个传感器失效的故障系统容错控制要求,具有更强的适应性。)
  • 20、However, Hailar basin experienced a multi-phase construction and transformation of the basin, the complexfault system, it is difficult to see the face of the prototype basin.(但海拉尔瓮地经历了多期建造和改造的盆地,断裂系统复杂,很难见到原形盆地面貌。)
  • 21、The segregative characteristics of activefault system are discussed in this paper according to fractal theory.(文章应用分数维理论讨论了我国几条活动断裂系统的分段性。)
  • 22、The geometry and inner structures as well as the kinematics of the east-west dextral strike-slipfault system in the middle segment of the intraplate Yanshan orogenic belt are described.(阐述了分布于燕山板内造山带中段的近东西向中生代右行走滑构造系统的几何学与运动学特征。)
  • 23、Complexfault system has been developed in Kuihuadao structure zone of Liaoheoffshore area.(辽河滩海葵花岛构造带发育复杂断裂体系。)
  • 24、It is pointed out that the best gold metallogenic area are at uplifting and sagging edge of ductile complex fault of thrusting-nappefault system.(提出逆冲体系中的韧脆性复成断裂带在带内的相对“上隆”和“下陷”的边缘地区以及其过渡带是金矿成矿的有利地区。)
  • 25、A coupled reaction transport mechanical dynamic model forfault system is established and described.(本文建立了断裂体系的反应-输运-力学耦合动力学模型并编制了模拟程序。)
  • 26、Aftershocks extended along thefault system in both directions.(余震沿着断层系统向两个方向延伸。)

fault system基本释义

fault system

英 [fɔ:lt ˈsistəm] 美 [fɔlt ˈsɪstəm] 
