
flight attendant造句

flight attendant造句

更新时间:2025-03-23 21:44:33复制

flight attendant造句

    1、Theflight attendant became so irritated with the airport vultures that the flight was abruptly cancelled.(因为机场因乘客们混乱不堪,空乘人员大为恼火,突然决定取消该航班了。)

    2、Theflight attendant welcomed us aboard the plane.(空中小姐欢迎我们上飞机。)

    3、I was on a plane recently and theflight attendant asked my name.(最近我在飞机上被一位乘务员问了名字。)

    4、And theflight attendant said, what would you like to drink?(乘务员说,您想喝点什么?)

    5、He signed up as aflight attendant with Korean Air.(他与大韩航空公司签了约,当机乘员。)

    6、Cello in hand, he approached theflight attendant at the gate and asked, "May I bring my clarinet on board?"(他手里拿着大提琴,走到门口的空中小姐跟前问道:“我可以将我单簧管带上飞机吗?”)

    7、I've been aflight attendant for two years now.(现在我已成为一名机组乘务员两年了。)

    8、Suddenly, theflight attendant said, "Welcome to Ankara!"(突然,空姐说:“欢迎来到安卡拉!”)

    9、flight attendant: We're out of blankets, but here's a pillow.(我们没有毯子了,但是可以给你一个枕头。)

    10、flight attendant: May I help you stow your backpack in the overhead compartment?(空服员:那需要我帮你把背包放在上方的置物柜吗?)

    11、F: Anotherflight attendant is coming down the aisle with coffee and tea.(空服员:另外一位空服员正送着咖啡和茶从走道上过来。)

    12、How does aflight attendant job fit into your career goals?(如何乘务员工作融入你的职业目标?)

    13、What part of being aflight attendant interests you most?(哪一部分是一个乘务员利益你最?)

    14、Aflight attendant and at least one passenger were treated for minor injuries, according to the airline.(据航空公司的消息,一位空乘人员和至少一位旅客因受轻伤接受治疗。)

    15、Whole families had been brought into the waiting room, and the place was packed with excitable children, exhausted parents, even aflight attendant.(所有家庭成员都被带进了等候室,那里挤满了兴奋的孩子、疲惫的父母,甚至还有一名空乘人员。)

    16、Theflight attendant watches her do this and asks to see her ticket.(服务员看见她,便走上前去,请她出示机票。)

    17、flight attendant: Don't worry, Sir.(空姐:不用担心,先生。)

    18、Touching myflight attendant wings, she continued, "And those are your angel wings."(这触动了我这位飞行服务人员的双翼,她接着说到:“那就是你们天使的翅膀。”)

    19、(If so, please delete the line and consider a job as a forest ranger orflight attendant).(如果有,删掉,考虑换一份环保局的工作。) (hao86.com好工具)

    20、Foreigner: I'm aflight attendant and I'm here on vacation.(外国人:我是机组乘务员。我是来这里度假的。)

    21、I have been aflight attendant for two years now.(现在我已经成为一名空中服务员两年了。)

    22、First-class passengers enjoy "élite" security lines and priority boarding, and disembark before the unwashed in coach, held at bay by aflight attendant, are allowed to foul the jet-way.(头等舱乘客享受“精英”安检通道,能优先登机,并能在被空乘人员管辖的经济舱普通民众“弄脏”移动通道之前,优先下飞机。)

    23、Anotherflight attendant is coming down the aisle with coffee and tea.(另外一位空服员正送着咖啡和茶从走道上过来。)

    24、Now that she's aflight attendant, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her.(她现在是空中乘务员了,去国外旅行对她已失去吸引力。)

    25、flight attendant: Sir. You need to return to coach.(空服人员:先生,你需要回到经济舱去。)

    26、Helped by theflight attendant, he finally managed to stuff it in the overhead bin.(在一位机务乘员的帮助下,他终于设法将旅行袋进了头顶上的行李箱。)

flight attendant基本释义

flight attendant

英 [flait əˈtendənt] 美 [flaɪt əˈtɛndənt] 
第三人称复数:flight attendants



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